WAS a nice Sunday to ride........

Discussion in 'Get togethers - Reports' started by ioneater, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. ioneater Husqvarna
    AA Class

    NW Texas
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2010 TXC 250
    Other Motorcycles:
    08 Sprint

    We haven't ridden as a family in several months so hit the local abandoned airstrip that's become an informal track and garbage dump unfortunately. My kids have recently moved up in bike sizes. My son is the youngest of the 2, he's outgrown the crf50 so we sold it and moved him up to the daughter's klx110. Perfect fit. Daughter moved up to the wife's ttr125l and fit's perfect, she's enjoying the clutch life now and is picking it up quite quickly! That left the wife without a bike so.........made a visit to the OTHER red bike shop and accidentally left with an 08 crf150r big wheel. :busted: Looked at the 230's but she couldn't pick one up from on its side. The 150 is a sharp little bike and is our first full mx bike, wow! Twitchy little fella with the pumper carb and high strung 4 stroke with race pipe, has a nice bark to it. Anyway, she and I took short turns on it getting the feel of the little beast. (my bikes' still in pieces having LTR massage the boingers) Lots more suspension than she's used to which should be handy in the future. She zipped away for her last loop of the day while I was BSing with another proud father in the parking area when another guy asked if I had a wife or daughter riding the 150 just down the path. "Yep" says I to which he informed me the bike and rider were no longer upright. Took a peek down the way and saw a crowd gathering. Oh Sh*t, and a knot in my gut. Drove down to find her howling in pain which was good and bad, good that she was conscious, bad she was in pain. She wouldn't let any of us touch or move her, the left leg was on fire. In the middle of all this in a calm moment she did happen to spot a single lady bug crawling through the muck in front of her and seemed to focus on it, guess the shock was doing its thing.:bonk: Well couldn't take the boot off, we tried gently and were called off the task by the howler. The professionals showed up and took good care of her, morphine was involved :)

    I took the kids and bikes home and found her in the ER. Nurse showed me the pictures, H0ly Sh*t that would explain all the noise she was making:doh:. Spiral fractured the Tibia and just plain broke the Fibula. She's currently in surgery to install the plate for the fib and should be going under again in another week to fix the tib. Never thought she'd be the first one of us in a cast.........but it could have been much worse. If she weren't wearing the full ensemble (helmet, goggles, chest protector, mx boots and gloves) the leg would have either been a compound break or shattered to smaller bits. Strangely the bike isn't showing any damage! Haven't given in the microscope look yet but levers, bars, rads and pegs are all straight. Wasn't worried about that very much anyway, as they're just replaceable stuff, ya know?

    She's already looking forward to getting back on!
  2. surfer1100 Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Ottawa, CAN
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    09 WR250, Memories of past tiddlers.
    Other Motorcycles:
    TM-01 EN 125, 03 125 MX, 09 EN 155
    Yikes, that's no good. Hope she heals up better than new.
  3. Motosportz CH Sponsor

    Vancouver WA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2021 TE250i, 570 Berg, 500 KTM, 790R
    Other Motorcycles:
    Dude, that sux :banghead: Sorry to hear it. Not surprised the bike has no damage, spiral fractures are usually because you put a foot down wrong and twisted it out or in.

    Hope she recovers soon and is not spooked on bikes.

    I'm going to get my daughter into bikes much more this year. Got KX100 for her and buying protective gear now.
  4. Colo moto CH Sponsor

    La Jara, Colorado
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Sorry to hear about this Ion. Hope your wife makes a quick and full recovery.
  5. Kevin_TE250 Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Boise Idaho
    Sorry to hear about that... Hope she heals quick...
  6. robertaccio Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    San Diego, Ca
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2021 Husqvarna TE300i
    Other Motorcycles:
    99 HusqvarnaTE610, 94 Husaberg FC501
    get er well and git er back on that horse!!! sorry for the misfortune
  7. WoodsChick Administrator

    Oakland, CA Miramonte, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    3 Terras, 2 `07 SM610s, `09 WB165,
    Other Motorcycles:
    KTM, GasGas, Suzuki, Honda
    Oh! I am so sorry to hear of your wife's misfortunes :(

    I can certainly relate to the pain and misery she must be going through right about now. It's a shame they can't fix both bones at the same time. Did the doctors say why that is?

    Tell her Eric and I are thinking of her and hoping for a quick and complete recovery.

    Oh, and tell her congratulations on the new bike :)

  8. Muddy Waters Husqvarna
    AA Class

    On the islands
    Bummer Greg
    Sorry to hear that, hope she'll heal well and fast
    Best of luck and speedy recovery

    ----^^^^^Now that there is funny, I don't care who you are....:D
  9. HuskyDude Moderator

    BC, Canada
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    10/EC300, 76/TY175
    Just getting out of a cast myself... I do feel for your wife.:eek:

    All the best and a speedy recovery.:cheers:
  10. Wetdog Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Tsawwassen, BC
    Wow, that does suck in a big way.

    Get well soon Mrs. Ion
  11. HuskyT Moderator

    Corona, California
    Heal her up soon... 150 big wheels are a pile of fun !

  12. ioneater Husqvarna
    AA Class

    NW Texas
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2010 TXC 250
    Other Motorcycles:
    08 Sprint
    6 million cent woman, Pt 1 complete

    She had the first surgery this morning to fixate the fibula.


    Took longer than I was briefed it would, so of course I was starting to get a little worried. 2nd surgery should be this weekend depending on the swelling reduction. Tami, they need the swelling to be under control before proceeding with the tibia's repair so it will have room to be fixed if that makes any sense. (her tib's in at least 3 pieces from what I saw on the X-rays) They're going to put a rod in it, vs. a plate like the fib. Going to be even more fun going through security at the airport now:lol:. She's in good spirits and tried to eat tonight but her stomach had other ideas and rejected it. Pain meds are the cause it sounds like. I cleaned her bike up this evening and sent her a pic:excuseme:, she's stoked to get back on! Kids are teaching me how to be mom/dad now, which is completely the opposite of how it normally goes around here. I'm always gone, it seems. This is good for me. 12 yr old daughter is SO mature for her age and has taken a much more "parental" attitude since this happened. Completely, utterly, amazes me. Oh how I underestimate!

    Thanks for the words, everyone. This is my way of coping with it. We've never had anything like this happen in the family so it's a new ordeal. We've always expected me to be the one getting hurt riding or while deployed and that was ok. Life happens!
  13. Wetdog Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Tsawwassen, BC

    That's great. Let's hope recovery goes well so these high spirits continue and she's riding soon.
  14. fitness2go Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Seattle WA
    I got a text from Greg soon after it happened. Greg and I were just talking about her new bike before they were going to ride it and that was the ABSOLUTE last thing on my mind...injury. At first, I thought who is this texting me...broken leg...what...is this a joke? Oh $#!T it's Greg and he's talking about his wife! My heart sunk as I realized that it really happened. She's a tough cookie and will bounce back quick. I hope he (Greg) can keep her occupied/busy as she recovers because she is a busy body and likes to be active...cover up her street bike so she doesn't go into withdrawals ! I know she'll recover strong...give her my best.

  15. Dirtdame Administrator

    Rock Springs Wy
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    11 WR300,13 WR125,18 FE501
    Other Motorcycles:
    17 Beta Xtrainer
    Back in 1975 I broke my femur and hip in a dirt riding accident (posted it somewhere on this website) and it took me about 8 months to get back on a bike. My doctor told me I would never ride again and he also told me that I wouldn't be able to run. I did both. These days, I'm a little too old for running I think, but I still love to dirt ride. Best wishes for your wife and I hope she recovers quickly and gets to enjoy many more years on two wheels.:thumbsup:
  16. ioneater Husqvarna
    AA Class

    NW Texas
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2010 TXC 250
    Other Motorcycles:
    08 Sprint
    Rough night for her last night. The leg woke up and couldn't be silenced with Morphine. Had to wait for new orders from drug doc to bump up to something with more horsepower, which made her yack what little she had eaten.

    However, she was in great spirits today and may even be able to come home for a few days before the next bone is fixed. I have mixed feelings about her coming home this soon, mostly worried about her pushing herself too far if left alone and falling or not keeping the leg elevated to get that swelling down. Dang hardheaded Polish ;):thumbsup:
  17. HuskyDude Moderator

    BC, Canada
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    Other Motorcycles:
    10/EC300, 76/TY175
    It might be easier if your oldest daughter does some home school'n.
    If you can't get time off work. "Work" well you know what I mean.
    Maybe just for a couple of days or something.
  18. WoodsChick Administrator

    Oakland, CA Miramonte, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    3 Terras, 2 `07 SM610s, `09 WB165,
    Other Motorcycles:
    KTM, GasGas, Suzuki, Honda

    I'm sorry to hear she's having a hard time, Greg. My heart goes out to her, it really does. Having had an external fixator before, I was not happy to see the pins sticking out of her leg. I've pretty much decided that if I ever wake up from surgery with one of those evil things attached to my body I'm just going to shoot myself and be done with it.

    As for morphone, I've come to the conclusion that it works pretty much like Valium in that it just takes the edge off and makes your memory of the event a little fuzzy around the edges. It just kind of allows you to remember things as less traumatic than they really were. Morphine and I go way back ;)

    I wouldn't worry too much about her not keeping her leg elevated when home. The price to be paid for not elevating something with a fixator (and/or screws, plates, etc.) is very high and it only takes one or two
    lapses to realize that elevation really is in your best interest...if you know what I mean. Besides, folks tend to do better when in their own homes surrounded by their family and their own things. I know I was home alone every day after I broke my ankle while awaiting surgery and the only thing I was willing to push was another Percocet down my throat:D Eric was home with me for one day after the surgery and then I was on my own again. Your daughter sounds like she's stepping up to the plate quite nicely so maybe she can help her out?

    I wish you all the best, and if there's anything I can do for your wife(words of encouragement or whatever) please don't hesitate to ask.
    Heck, I'd even be willing to get that Triumph out of the garage for her so she won't feel so bad when she sees it, because, you know, that's just the nice and thoughtful kind of person I am:lol: Seriously, though, if there's anything I can do...

  19. Coffee CH Owner

    Between homes - in ft Wayne IN
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2006 TE250, 2013 TR650 Terra - sold
    Not good :cripple:

    Please give her my best. :)

    You have an awesome family and you should be quite proud especially that daughter of yours.
  20. ioneater Husqvarna
    AA Class

    NW Texas
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2010 TXC 250
    Other Motorcycles:
    08 Sprint
    She didn't make it home today. I had to take care of some stuff at work, she was fine in the morning however, they took the self dosing machine off her around noon which had some juice in it called Dilaudid? Started her on weaker pills to try and find a threshold that could be dealt with at home. She made it about 45 minutes before calling me to come help make them get her something else. Visited and went back to work then home to check on the rugrats, got called again for same reason. Went in and by then they gave her Vicodin (sp). Spent rest of day/evening with her going through it together. Could see the pain behind her eyes but she was level headed. Might make it home tomorrow? 2nd surgery postponed till next Thursday due to swelling:thumbsdown:. She's learning the crutch dance, just have to watch those damn pins!