I have not, it probably has 15 lbs of mud packed everywhere. I should one of these days though, Kelly would say it will probably break the scales. Got the TC running some tonight. This bike is ridiculously easy to get to the carb on. It came with the setup for 3-6k feet, it would start with 4 twists of the throttle but die almost instantly. red needle 4th position 180 main 50 leak jet 72 starter jet 42 pilot large o-ring on the AP 1.5 turns out on the fuel screw I first set it up as per the jd jet kit for 0-3k feet... It ran better but would still lean pop quite a bit at low throttle openings red needle 5th position 185 main 50 leak jet 72 starter jet 42 pilot large o-ring on the AP 1.75 turns out on the fuel screw The current setup is, it is nice and crisp on the throttle but doesn't want to idle down, it hangs for a bit at the 4k range. I need to get an adjustable fuel screw for it and try to fine tune it. blue needle 5th position 185 main 50 leak jet 72 starter jet 42 pilot large o-ring on the AP 1.75 turns out on the fuel screw I may go take a video of how it runs now. Later,
Ok, tried 2 turns out on the fuel screw and the idle was hanging worse, I screwed up the video and took a picture instead. This one is 1.5 turns out, it starts first kick cold and warm. This was warmer but not hot, it had sat for 5 minutes or so while I fiddled with the stock fuel screw. I really need an after market one. Need to work on the hot start procedure. As you will see giving the throttle a twist is not the answer... Also messing with this bike in shorts is not really smart, burnt my leg a bit. [smugmug]ZT0xJmk9OTczNjg2ODcxJms9WW9rd0MmYT0xMzM3MjQyN19NclpBaSZ1PWptZXR0ZWVy[/smugmug] Later,
Did you try a 40 idle jet? My idle would hang with a 42. Also, I think you'll be pleased with the Flex Jet screw. My bike is really sensitive to fuel screw adjustments and the Flex Jet made it a snap to get things dialed in on the fly. Good Luck!
My TXC with battery, EFI,e-start, kick stand, wireing harness, sparky, etc was 232. Felt lighter. Jake, you bringing that this weekend?
Thanks! Not yet, I need to see if I can track down a 40. I have always felt my TXC was a little rich on the pilot and needed a 40. I have the flex jet on my TXC, it doesn't work well on that bike with the starter in the way. I will probably put that on the TC, I rarely have to mess with the one on the TXC anyway. Did you mount yours on the exhaust side or shock side? Wasn't planning on it, no jumps at Gifford. Later,
There is a truck load of drool factor in the TC 250, so lean and purposful and so uncluttered. It looks fast when standing still. I wish you great joy with your new weapon.