Wheel bearing dimensions?

Discussion in 'TR650' started by Trapperj, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. glitch_oz Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:

    It's a common 25x40x7mm seal from any bearing+seal or industrial-supply shop.

    Price range $3-$18 depending on where you buy:

    Also http://www.partzilla.com/parts/detail/honda/HP-91252-428-000.html
    Aprilia http://apriliasuperstore.com/i-11742900-oil-seal-25x40x7.html
    Trumpy http://www.ronayers.com/OIL-SEAL-25X40X7-P4157482.aspx
    Suzuki http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Suzuki-N...il-Seal-25x40x7-09283-25035-S39-/251067698418
    Even better as a double-lipped seal http://www.ultimateindustrial.com/m...-40-x-7-25x40x7-25mm-x-40mm-x-7mm-double-lip/
    and http://www.mfgsupply.com/501309.html
    KTM http://www.magicracing.com/KTM-SHAFT-SEAL-RING-25X40X7-BS_p_149068.html#.U-GnULHrjhQ
    KTM via Ebay double-lipped http://www.ebay.com/itm/HUSQVARNA-K...519?forcev4exp=true&item=190630118519&vxp=mtr
    KTM parts.com http://www.ktm-parts.com/mm5/mercha...t_Code=0760254071&Category_Code=#.U-Gn5bHrjhQ

    Just punch the measurements into google and you'll get 100s of hits.
  2. Riding Again Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Palm Coast, FL.
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2012 TE511
    Other Motorcycles:
    Sold TriumphTiger800xcx, TR650 Terra
    Thank you glitch! I wanted to order the air box and some odds and ends through KTM parts. This works perfect. Sorry for some reason I was a little lost on this seal. I have not replaced one before seen there different kinds so was not sure what I needed to order.
  3. glitch_oz Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    As long as the measurements are identical it doesn't really matter what you buy and use. Double lip is slightly better as some grease can be packed between the lips as an extra water-barrier and prevent the rubber from drying out. They'll be cheapest through a an industrial/ bearings shop.
  4. Riding Again Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Palm Coast, FL.
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2012 TE511
    Other Motorcycles:
    Sold TriumphTiger800xcx, TR650 Terra
    Thank you very much. I actually found the exact Husqvarna part number to order from KTM parts based on your advice. Here is the part numbers and what I ordered. I think every thing was very reasonable priced as well. Maybe not the chain lube but they hit me with that at the end and I said sure why not I was looking to spend less than $100 and it fit in.

    9902384 DUST SEAL 30X47X7 1 $9.22 $9.22
    8000H6452 BASE FILTER BOX 1 $16.75 $16.75
    8000H6813 SPONGE 1 $2.15 $2.15
    8000H7717 BOX FILTER GASKET 1 $1.70 $1.70
    8000H7718 BOX FILTER GASKET 1 $0.85 $0.85
    8000H6453 COVER 1 $15.55 $15.55
    8000H6810 AIR INTAKE 1 $4.01 $4.01
    7700116 SHAFT SEALING RING 25X40X7 NBR 1 $10.33 $10.33
    980083 Motorex 622 Offroad Chain Lube(Special Offer) 1 $12.95 $12.95