OK, got a solid 60 miles on it last night, all street. Buddy was chomping at the bit to see it and and i was to ride it so rode it over to a FUN strip of ridge road that many a cafe racer rides. It is a nice ribbon of twisty road along a ridge top. He has a newer 650 V-strom. Now as you all know i am a certified husky head. I tend to really like my huskys (heck they are great machines thats why I choose them). Anyway I know i sound like a broken record when I get these new bikes and spout how nice they are. Truth is they have been spectacular bikes for me. When they changed the 4 stroke frame on 08 and i got to ride a real early release TE510 I was hooked. Loved the new frame and suspension. bought and 08 TXC450 and that was a fantastic machine. Then they stuck the 125 in the new chassi and I was all in and bought a 09 WR125 that was a fantastic bike after a very frustrating start with bad from the factory power valves. Then i took the plunge and bought a TE511 sight unseen and hoped for the best knowing it might be a turd as the BMW got such bad reviews by the mags and my friends. Turns out husky really knows how to take a OK start from BMW and make it WOW. I flat love my do it all TE511.
So here we are again, new offering by Husky and a revamped BMW offering. I have rode several version of the G650 F650 bikes and thought they were good but did not make me want one real bad. I saw this new 650 coming and knew i needed one for development and sold my much loved ZRX 1200R Kawi. That hurt. But I am here to say, much like my TE511 and the unknown Husky engineers took a good bike in the BMW and made a fantastic (IMHO) mount from it. I ahve already forgot about my ZRX pain and am in love all over again. This bike hits the nail on the head IMHO.
This to me is the highlight of the package. Smooth, strong, powerful, EZ, ultra flexible, reliable brick. Makes super smooth power in a very linear fashion building power from the first rev to the last with no hump or valleys. You spend most the time between 3500-5000 and with that can go 30 -70 in the same gear. Canyon carving is extremely EZ, no shifting needed as it pulls pretty hard from very low RPM and keeps building power to redline. Well I'm guessing there as i never reved it past like 65K in respect of the new motor and really no need at this time. The engine is brilliant IMHO. On my way home I was thinking if someone blindfolded me and put me on this bike and i did not look down I would think i was on a Aprilia 550 V-twin or SV 650. I have ridden both and this bike on the road feels much like that. Feels very V-twin like and sounds like it too. The lots of bottom end and smooth thrust makes it feel this way and the twin pipes add to it.
When i met buddy Adam with the V-strom we were looking the bike over. His first comments were that the bike was far better looking than he thought it would be and it looked more dirt than the pix. We discussed the EFI and mufflers and that they have removable inserts and there might be EFI tuners out there etc. We hopped on our bikes a took off. About 5 or so miles into the twisties and my ear to ear grin was hurting my face so I let Adam take it for a rip. I followed don his V-strom, a bike i have ridden many times. My first impression riding the V-strom is it feels 80 pounds heavier and all of that seems high placed (tall tank and fairing). Next impression was I was pretty sure the TR650 faster even not using the last 2000 RPM. I figured I'd let Adam report before saying anything. We stop and Adam is all abuzz. "I freaking LOVE this bike", "I would not touch the motor, mufflers, EFI, it runs perfect and is way faster than my V-strom"... Well OK, that confirms my feelings too. His next words were " I'm selling the V-strom and ATK and getting one of these" Nice. He said getting on it "I should not ride this as I will want to sell my V-strom" guess he was right. The TR650 feels a good bit faster, way lighter, way better looking and has far better brakes.
Fantastic motor, i can hardly wait to get a few more miles on her and ring it's neck. As some of the quick ride reports i the mags have said you can feel a good rush of power coming in at about 6K and they say it revs to redline pulling hard. I did not go there but really looking forward to it. you could ride this bike all day long on the road using one gear and 3500-5000 RPM.
WIDE. The bike is slightly tall on final gearing. It is loping along at 70mph 3800 rpm at 60 in top gear. You could ride the highways in 4th EZ and that gives you more passing power. 3rd will take you to 65 plus. shifting is smooth, the throw just slightly long. I did find a false neutral with a lazy upshift. When i change the chain and sprockets i will probably gear it down some for more grunt off the bottom and no need to go 115 mph. As is the bike could be ridden endlessly on the street and has NO issues with traffic. To get to Adams i have to ride about 7 miles of I-5, I was in the fast lane carving traffic like butter. Zero issues at highway speeds. Motor is awesome trans is WIDE. Cable clutch is smooth as is shifting and makes for a VERY smooth fast ride.
Very neutral. Get on and ride. Nothing to think about, nothing odd. No learning this or that quirk, extremely neutral. Feels like it likes to turn, does not drop in nor stand up, neutral at slow speed tight turns as well as fast sweeping ones.
Very good, will get better. Made the V-strom brakes feel like drums, nice feel, good power, will lock them up at will.
I was pretty disappointed to see no adjustments. thats said what is there is nice middle of the road stuff. Feels firm yet not harsh. Works GREAT for the street and will be a great bike for carving back roads in bad shape and pot holed out. When I got home it was dark but my girls wanted a ride. Took my 8 YO daughter out on it, seat and buddy pegs are nice and usable. Took my 17 YO daughter out on it and she loved it too not wanting to return home and then too my wife out on it. these were just quick rides around the hood but the rear suspension seemed to handle the extra load well and the passenger area looks comfortable enough. So without doing any off road i would ahve to say they hit the mark pretty well. Would have much prefered to pay $200 more for the bike and have full adjustment though.
VERY good. Like I said the bike is very neutral feeling. Laid out very nice. nothing protruding or ending up in odd places. Get on and ride and forget about the bike and enjoy the motor. Adam feels the same way. Not only does it kinda look like my 511 it kinda has that same slim inviting feeling. smooth sides, controls right where they should be, simple and effective.
Fit and Finish:
I am starting to turn a corner on the whole BMW thing. Knew little about the company and only owned one before (K100) and always thought they were odd and way over engineered. This marriage of italian flare and design with BMW manufacturing knowledge IMHO is turning out some fantastic machines. the fit and finish and apparent build quality on this is astonishing for a 7K bike. Plastic is perfect and fits really nice, everything is organized and clean. Again reminds me of my 511 which after owning and working on it for a year and a half i really like it. Everything fits real nice, seat comes off super EZ to expose a really nicely detailed package. Switch gear is exactly as on my 511, minimalist and clean, obvious. No weird turn signal switched like on my K100 or goofy stuff. I know many want to hate on BMW and how the new offerings from husky are leaning towards BMW look and thinking but I am starting to believe in this Italian design and BMW engineering / manufacturing. It seems to be ending in some really nice offerings IMHO. As much as i love the older huskys these seem put together far better and with much better quality control and overall fit and finish.
- GREAT motor that will get better with time
- Excellent EFI. Smoooooth. needs to idle a little higher.
- neutral handling
- super wide trans
- fit and finish
- comfort and overall feel
- love the grips, have a nice feel
- clutch is butter smooth which makes the butter smooth motor that much nicer
- lots of nice features
- build quality
- nice looking and quiet mufflers with nice tone.
- no hot spots for rider or passengers, well tucked in exhaust
- Nice light duty rack with hand holds
- Needs nothing, no uncorking or EFI adjustments, no strapping the battery down or Decatting this or that. Runs and ride great off the floor.
- Weight for off road. (none issue on the street, feels light there) more time off road will tell
- geared slightly tall for me
- shifter and brake peddle look cheap although they work fine just don't look at them :>)
- Needs suspension adjusters.
- Wished it ripped big wheelies EZer, it might with time and using the rest of the rev band.
- I'm not retired so i can jut ride ride ride.
- probably will do trail OK but is going to limit you some with weight
- kinda tall despite the low seat and suspension
- scratching head to think of more
60 mile feelings:
This bike is a home run. Fantastic street / commuting bike and should be a great off road. Like it far better than the V-strom. Great smoooooth motor and very neutral bike add up to a very EZ bike to ride and enjoy. Don't ride on if you don't want one. I don't think Adam was all the way off it before talking about selling his bike. It is a great offering and should do extremely well on the sales floor. Great bike from a great dealer, love it.
Go BMW/Husky, keep it up, great stuff. I am liking this Italian/German thing.
Again my opinion only and knowing i am a husky head so make of it what you will but that said i have ridden PILES of bikes and this one is very good. Ride one and see for yourself.