I understand that Kelly, that's why I said "local" tracks. Talent trumps machine in almost every situation. But Ajax hit the nail on the head. If 2 stroke displacement and 4 stroke displacement rules were equal in AMA.... wanna bet me on what "stroke" the winners would be riding?
A 2t MX racer Husky? ... that would be a surprise and I'd really like to see it .. Maybe somehow a trail model and MX model can be joined closely enough that it makes sense on a business level to build both ... 250cc \ 300cc engines maybe can also be included into this scenario ... This would lay down some base roots for the next ~decade for 2T machines. You'd think bmw can supply enough grunt to help Husky make a very good EFI 2T on its 1st attempt... --------------------- Or even behind a starting gate .... Take ktm as an example (look how they tossed a < 450cc machine into the top level against 450 bikes ) ... They have won on about every level, every race world wide ... maybe they'll give the MX 2T machines the push they need in a couple yrs IFF the EFI stuff works out to a high level and is a $$ maker ...Any 10 top finish on a 2T would be more than enough to make everyone sit up & notice and then consider purchasing a 2T ... It'll be like back-to-the-past ... Lots of grasshoppers out there who have never ridden a 2T might have a reason to consider one when they see it thumping the 4T machines ...Stew would be the ultimate guy to ride it also ... He's had such an all-over-the-place-career, in 2-3 yrs, who knows whats next for him ... Husky could do the same but we can't even get our 4T machines to finish an MX race for some reason ... What would be wrong with a 4T 310 MX racer?...
That is true at the top level BUT If I was a new buyer and saw that a Husky 4 Stroke has so many DNFs I might just keep looking.BUT on the other hand look at all the European Enduros and tuff man events were the Husky 2 stroke did well. PLUS how many 4 strokes DNF the 6 days compaired to the 2 strokes Never hear of a 2 stroke with a fuel pump,injectors or mapping problem Time for a change before everyone in off road riding is on orange and it looks like the first day of hunting season when you show up at a race