Zach Osborne is the real deal....

Discussion in 'Racing' started by Norman Foley, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. MotoMarc36 Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2012 CR144, 04 TC450, 04 TC250, CR50
    Other Motorcycles:
    Many. Too many.
    Good for Zach, he really re-invented himself.

    Can't discuss MX-gone-offroad without mentioning:

    Mike Keidrowski
    Ty Davis
    Fred Andrews
    Bobby Bonds
    Ricky Deitrich
    Kurt Caselli
    Guy Cooper?

    And probably many more! Keep em coming......
    Motosportz and TemecuCoastie like this.
  2. DirtMongrel Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Ahhh.., MIKE BROWN he was even one of my favorites in MX/SX

    TemecuCoastie likes this.
  3. Motosportz CH Sponsor

    Vancouver WA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2021 TE250i, 570 Berg, 500 KTM, 790R
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    Great list :thumbsup:
  4. MotoMarc36 Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2012 CR144, 04 TC450, 04 TC250, CR50
    Other Motorcycles:
    Many. Too many.
    Alright this is lame. Zach broke his collarbone, adding to the huge list of riders injured before and especially during this Supercross season. Lame.:thumbsdown:

    RIDER INJURY Trey Canard...............Broken arm
    Davi Millsaps..............Knee injury
    Joey Savatgy..............Broken wrist,collapsed lung
    Justin Bogle................Broken vertebra
    Austin Howell.............Broken thumb, collapsed lung
    Marvin Musquin..........Knee injury (ACL)
    Casey Hinson.............Broken hand, facial fractures
    Blake Baggett.............Broken foot
    Broc Schmelyun.........Broken legs
    Ben Lamay.................Dislocated wrist, broken jaw
    Austin Politelli.............Broken femur
    Dillon Huddleston........Broken thumb
    Shane Sewell..............Broken foot
    Brett Hottel..................Broken femur
    Zach Bell.....................Broken collarbone
    Cody Gilmore..............Broken collarbone
    Les Smith....................Dislocated ribs
    Kevin Weisbruch.........Crushed trachea
    Ronnie Ray..................Broken leg
    Darryn Durham............Concussion
    Josh Hill.......................Broken collarbone
    Zach Osborne.............Broken collarbone

    A young man I am friends with and have watched come up from a young 80 rider to one of the fastest guys around here, crashed last night at the Milwaukee arenacross, broke his T4 and T5 with cord damage, and has no feeling below his waist. These injuries are weighing on me. Prayers to Matt Maier, please.
    LandofMotards likes this.
  5. ray_ray Mini-Sponsor

    The Philippines
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    08\013 WR250, 010 TC250, 012 TC250
    Sucks and crap like that hitting so close to home really drives in the reality of the sport of motorcycle riding. I hope that young man gets as well as possible and he finishes his life out in a matter that makes him happy. Miracles happen another one might just happen here. It is always a heartbreak for me when a young person experiences something like this... When its an older person, the pain is not so great for me but its still there.

    I wish Zach and all those on the list a speedy recover also.
  6. Motosportz CH Sponsor

    Vancouver WA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2021 TE250i, 570 Berg, 500 KTM, 790R
    Other Motorcycles:
    A collarbone is usually an EZ and quick heal for the most part. He will be back strong someday soon I'm sure.