AA Class
How about how your previous bikes made you a better Husky rider? I was a small 6yr old when dad came home with a brand new 1973 Honda XR 75, "suppose to be for mom" She said it was too small. Good for me. Well no way to even think about touching the ground so dad took the seat off and put a piece of carpet on it. Could then touch with one tippy toe. Terrorized the back yard and pasture. First race was mini bikes with only one other XR75. Dad had to convince starter to allow him to hold my rear fender so I would'nt fall over. No seat taught me to ride standing up. No kid boots so I had my rubber slip on farmer boots on, Dads Jofa that was too big and instantly fell down and was then around my neck! Rode that XR until I broke the frame downtube three different times. Dad came home with a brand new 77 CR125 Elsinore and I was then "it" but had just turned 11 and couldnt touch the ground on it either. off cme the seat and the carpet again. My mother cried when she saw me ride it for the first time. Of course I wanted all the FMF and DG upgrades before I ever got it out of second gear. I look at those pics of me on it and think my dad must have had a good insurance policy on me. Raced it once at Puyallup Wash. on the Trans Ama track. If you ever see an old pic or video of that track those white looking shiny things on the dirt are rocks which are really slippery when wet. Another bike that was too big. Grew a few inches and in 80 when I was 14 I got a left over new 79 CR250 Husky, man that thing was tall. The best thing about it was left kick! I could start it easy and didn't have to take the seat off because it was alot taller than my 77 Elsinore. Lets see I have four running and how many as projects? I love being at the ORV park and have people look at me funny when I start my Husky's, and when they ask what is that? or how old is that? Dirt bikes went to hell when they made quiet primary gearing, in my opinion!