So I had a few hours of light left yesterday and ran up to a local area to play with some PWK needles for the fun of it. JD red in the middle position installed and working great. did a lap to get a base line feel. installed a CCJ needle. Ran real good, smoother pull of the bottom, more liner power but seems less snappy and down a little on mid power. Tried the DDJ and same as the CCJ but a bit less everywhere. back to the JD to make sure and RIP. The JD red is obviously the most powerful on my bike. Almost to the point of being to much when on the pipe. Hold on. this 144 is working out VERY well. the CCJ would be a good mud / slick needle. Ran great just smoother and less violent hit. The JD Red RIPS hard and was my favorite for the dry conditions we have now.
09 WR125 with OEM 144 kit
04 Doma CR125 pipe
PS SA muffler
PWK 38, 175 main, 45 pilot and JD red in middle position
09 WR125 with OEM 144 kit
04 Doma CR125 pipe
PS SA muffler
PWK 38, 175 main, 45 pilot and JD red in middle position