klotz super techniplate junkie
Picklito has been a great resouce for info here on this site. Been never able to figure out his main jets
We have been getting down to 415 and 410 and still very rich. A moderator here is down even to 390 in his 430
and runs great. So temp, area, elevations, compression, desert different on Pic bikes ? All are factors for all.
Running a Q8 needle jet. As everyone knows I built more than a few 430s, always seen to end up around here even with a couple bikes with Mossbager reed blocks and others not. One bike we are running one step richer needle jet with a 2.5 slide. and running a 420 down from 430 , this is still rich
Also have a another bike with cut slide with UFO mounted on slide and half size pilot , so far so good on this
model , runs crisp and clean. Still rich up top a bit with that mod. Starting it is different
my 87 430 engine is pretty close at
390 main
q8 needle jet
6dh20 needle-2nd clip from top
40 pilot
1.5 airscrew
3.0 slide
1.6 btdc, using mini 6 motoplat.
50/50 blend of vp110 leaded purple/91 e0
dynoport pipe, stock type cr straight core.
165 psi compression kicking wot until gauge quits climbing, 14/52 gearing, stock portwork
tiniest bit of fourstroking at times on main, or if i go any leaner anywhere. if i switched to straight pump fuel i would need to go a notch richer everywhere, as the vp does have a richening effect. pulls hard thru entire range, sometimes surprising a bit in the midrange. the straight core silencer really pumped up the midrange and top end, as power wheelies in 3rd/4th are a bit sketchy at times. sneaky torque..starts 1 or 2 kicks, hot or cold. it does like "kick primed" slowly when cold a few times.