Just throwin this out there to see if its just me. Baught this bike brand new a month and a half ago as a left over (sweet deal) I am in NY and ive chosen to go back to my roots and ride this bike in the Lites Expert to prove it can be done on a 125. So far very good results love the bike but heres the problem my clutch is slipping down low what i meen is out of the turns u can feel it kinda slide then it gets going. Doesnt do it off the line or wide opens it pulls great and wheelies all the time kinda wierd and yes i am abusing the clutch as all 125s need to have done to go fast. So with that said i put new plates in and still seemed to do it so then i put KX250F springs in it and it seemed to help but now the clutch pull is rly hard and im not liken it. So any body with input on better husky springs or aftermarket parts to keep a light pull but stop the slipping would be great i wanna prove the little 125 can be up front. Thanks