• 4 Stroke Husqvarna Motorcycles Made In Italy - About 1989 to 2014
    TE = 4st Enduro & TC = 4st Cross

  • Hi everyone,

    As you all know, Coffee (Dean) passed away a couple of years ago. I am Dean's ex-wife's husband and happen to have spent my career in tech. Over the years, I occasionally helped Dean with various tech issues.

    When he passed, I worked with his kids to gather the necessary credentials to keep this site running. Since then (and for however long they worked with Coffee), Woodschick and Dirtdame have been maintaining the site and covering the costs. Without their hard work and financial support, CafeHusky would have been lost.

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working to migrate the site to a free cloud compute instance so that Woodschick and Dirtdame no longer have to fund it. At the same time, I’ve updated the site to a current version of XenForo (the discussion software it runs on). The previous version was outdated and no longer supported.

    Unfortunately, the new software version doesn’t support importing the old site’s styles, so for now, you’ll see the XenForo default style. This may change over time.

    Coffee didn’t document the work he did on the site, so I’ve been digging through the old setup to understand how everything was running. There may still be things I’ve missed. One known issue is that email functionality is not yet working on the new site, but I hope to resolve this over time.

    Thanks for your patience and support!

2008 TE 250 (Athena 300) MPG

Yeah. I haven't worked on the bike yet. It's been way too hot here in SoCal to be in my garage. I'm going to play with it this weekend. I'm curious as to how much (if any) MPG I'll gain once I get it running right.
So yeah. I had time to tinker with the bike. Warmed it up, and then hooked it up and was able to reset the TPS.

I wasn't, however, able to change the Feedback Adjustment settings. Per the instructions, I started the Feedback Adjustment app and then started the already-warmed up bike. I waited over 10 minutes and the Feedback Adjustment screen still said Non-Activity. After some searching, I read that for a 2008 TE 250, you NEED to have the O2 sensor installed before you can make changes to Feedback Adjustment.

Does anyone know if that's the case?

Anyone wanna loan me an O2 sensor and connecting cable???
I finally got it going in the right direction. I found a used TE 450 O2 sensor for 20 bucks (from Malcolm Smith's Ebay) which worked fine for feedback adjustment. I only brought the first zone down to 107 just to start with and it instantly sounded better and idled better. AND it hasn't flamed out. It would often flame out when I pulled the clutch in when preparing to down shift or just coast. I had gotten into the habit of just goosing the throttle when I pulled the clutch in.

Thanks for the input and I'll probably let this thread die now but will respond if someone else needs help.

Remember if you have a 2008, you NEED the O2 sensor to do the feedback adjustment!
I have a 2008... What do you suggest to tune without O2 sensor?
Resistor perhaps? Which and where?
Thanks for your help...
Yes, up and running. But in the feedback adjustment, "non-activity" is always on, no matter how long I wait for the engine to heat up... My bike has no lambda sensor. Previous owner removed it and placed a plug with 2k2ohms connecting two of the four pins. The bike goes fine but does not pass the government smoke test. Parameters in fb adjustment are: 109-100-100 and I would like to reduce the 109...
Thanks for your advice!
The feedback adjustment should not be relevant when running open loop, it is concerned with running with the Lambda connected, although I have seen some people suggest that it does have an influence. If you have the Power Up connected correctly, you should be able to access the CO settings. The CO settings directly modify the fueling when open loop.

When you say 'smoke test', what do you mean? Too high hydrocarbons at idle so you want to make it run leaner? I'm in the UK, we are lucky that the motorbike test here ignores emissions. Where are you located?
The test I have to pass here in Spain detects the amount of unburnt fuel at idle. If goes above 4.5% the bike is out of tolerance and does not pass. This threshold is for old open loop fuel controlled bikes like mine (with current configuration at least...). For closed loop fuel controlled bikes is much lower.
About the CO settings, ibeat simply says my bike does not support that configuration. What conditions are to be met for accessing that config menu?
Many thanks again! :)
If the correct resistor is connected on the correct pins, the CO settings should be available to change.
Ok, I'll give it a new try next weekend. I believe to receive a warning about motorbike version not compatible with that configuration menu...
I'll collect exact messages from ibeat and share.
I'm not sure about 2008, but I thought it had the same Mikuni ECU as 2009? My 2009 TE250 works fine with iBeat.
iBeat has FB settings for 2008 models I believe. My dealer installed the Athena kit on my 2008 and it came with an Athena ECU, which I believe he piggy-backed (his description) onto the stock ECU. The settings were around 125 for the top setting. It wasn’t easy getting it to communicate on iBeat but eventually it just did. I sold the bike and got a 2012 TE310 so I have no knowledge of its fate. It ran great for me. George @Uptite was the dealer.
Hi again,
Let me paste here the screenshots I have captured from IBEAT connected to my bike.
I see that CO adjustment icon is always grey. I suppose this means that my model does not allow tuning this parameter with IBEAT.
How could then be solved my high emissions problem?
Thanks for your comments.


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Sorry, saw you have tried and no go. Is the O2 sensor in?

I will ask George how he adjusted my bike tomorrow. It may not be very satisfying as I’m pretty sure he said he got the same rejection screen and then one time it just worked. The numbers were kind of high like 125, 115, 108 or something which I thought reflected the higher CC’s.
No. Previous owner did not give me any O2 sensor.
Nevertheless, I have ordered one assuming that with it instead of the plug the emissions will be drastically reduced.
It seems to me the only way ahead to pass government tests...
Thanks for your help!
Iridium plug and JD Tuner to lean up mixture and you’ll be golden. I run mine a bit rich and get about 35 mpg. Not great but she runs like a raped ape.
Hello again.
Today I have been able to spend sometime with my bike.
I have managed to install this lambda probe: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001103824058.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.6fab4c4dVxDhJj
The result is the following:
Finally, the Feedback adjustment tool worked. After waiting some time, it allowed me to tune the first parameter, which was at 109%, down to 100% which was my initial objective.
Nevertheless, as the probe is not the one from Husqvarna, it seems to output too much voltage and after running sometime, "O2 too high output" alarm came up.
The bike behavior with that probe was not stable. On reducing rpms the exhaust banged a couple of times and on accelerating, the pull was not as constant as without the probe and with the resistor plug connected instead of the lambda probe.
Next step I will take is to look for an Husqvarna lambda probe and have it installed. Will share results.
Yesterday I spent sometime riding my bike with the lambda probe. It did not show any alarm about the O2 level.
Last time that this alarm came out must be for the shower I gave the bike to clean it in the gas station since it was then when the alarm came out.
I deduce then that the probe is fine and the stability loss is normal as some others claim in other forums. Maybe it could be solved with the db killer which I neither have...
I'll try to have the exhaust gases analyzed and comment again.
If levels are reduced, next project would be a relay driven by an "eco/racing" switch on the handlebar.