• Hi everyone,

    As you all know, Coffee (Dean) passed away a couple of years ago. I am Dean's ex-wife's husband and happen to have spent my career in tech. Over the years, I occasionally helped Dean with various tech issues.

    When he passed, I worked with his kids to gather the necessary credentials to keep this site running. Since then (and for however long they worked with Coffee), Woodschick and Dirtdame have been maintaining the site and covering the costs. Without their hard work and financial support, CafeHusky would have been lost.

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working to migrate the site to a free cloud compute instance so that Woodschick and Dirtdame no longer have to fund it. At the same time, I’ve updated the site to a current version of XenForo (the discussion software it runs on). The previous version was outdated and no longer supported.

    Unfortunately, the new software version doesn’t support importing the old site’s styles, so for now, you’ll see the XenForo default style. This may change over time.

    Coffee didn’t document the work he did on the site, so I’ve been digging through the old setup to understand how everything was running. There may still be things I’ve missed. One known issue is that email functionality is not yet working on the new site, but I hope to resolve this over time.

    Thanks for your patience and support!

APT SmartCarb

My APT report...


Semi warn out 04 CR125 (still 125cc) with Doma pipe. Runs pretty hard so was just waiting for it to wear out in my sloppy mud rides before bolting on the 165 kit I have had for months. It is ready for a rebuild but still runs good. I thought last ride, "finally it is wearing out and I can put the 165 kit on" as it was starting to feel weak on the bottom and kicks starts to freely (scientific I know).

Let the frustrations begin:

I figured this would be a 10 minute install and try in out in front of the house real quick the nigh before the ride. I did not think i would be riding at all because we are dealing with some stuff at home but the wife insisted i go so who am I to argue but this means last minute preparations. First off the CNC carb is freaking HUGE and heavy. unbolted the top (three bolts) got the slide out and the cable in and installed the slide and top back in. Wrestled the carb into place and got things lined up etc. twisted the throttle and noticed it feels odd, then felt the cable pop out og the slide and was not moving it. Crap. wrestle the huge carb out and reinstall the cable. Adjust the cable, feels weird like adjusting it is not taking up the slack. Everything just feels off. But I get it installed and it seems to be moving the slide fine. roll it out, turn on the gas kick it 15 times... nothing. Oh yeah, in my exuberance forgot to pull the choke, nice rooky move Kelly. Pull the choke, try to start it, no go. realize the throttle cable has come loos again!!! wrestle the carb out for the third time and get it all put back together and leave the carb off the bike so i can see whats up. seems it is able to push the cable extra after the carb closes letting it slide out of its tiny slot and lose from the carb. Not wild over the cable holder design. Get it installed and by backing the cable guide int he top of the carb way out am able to get it to stay. bolt it all back up and go try it again. Got it to start after about 4 kicks. Does not want to idle and idle knob seems to work weird, not change stuff and make the cable feel weird again. WTF. Also I can't seem to get the adjuster knob on the carb to engage the adjuster. Get it running and ride it around some. Seems OK but not great and not better than the stock carb and some running issues. Does not idle. Go to turn around and the throttle cable is now to short and pulls the cable from the mounts and revs to the moon. Fun. Go back to the garage and pull the throttle all apart and reroute the cable behind the triple clamp. I am into this 2 hours now and kinda pissed. this is my last try and then i am putting the stock carb back on. Get it to work well enough, got it to start and run OK and figured I'd bring my stock carb with me and hope for the best.

The ride:

Like I said this was all last minute to me. Met buddy Blake and drove to an area with some real nice single track. It has been raining a lot the last three weeks and it is going to be a sloppy cold slide fest. Good with me, love those conditions. (seriously). Bike fired up after about 7 kicks, not encouraging. Got it run OK, bit it seems lean. We take off. Runs pretty good under load and normal riding, about like stock but seems to have a little more bottom and more throttle response down low. Adjusted the knob (low to mid is what that affects) and went richer, seemed to run worse. Went leaner, getting better. This thing i think has 50 clicks. I ended up going 13 leaner. OK, now we are talking. Bike is super crisp, very snappy and gained a lot of bottom.

Now that we are in business:

After the initial issues and adjustment the bike is running very well. Idles right now (was probably because the fuel rod was 13 clicks rich I was having issues). Throttle response in WAY more responsive. The low end power that seemed to be getting softer last few rides (compression was my guess) is now much stronger. I mean very strong, gained a substantial amount of power. Mid is very good as it has always been with the Doma but does have more. Top end I don't get into until later as this is all tight and slick clay based woods riding. I'm pretty freaking happy with the carb at this point. super smooth power, EZ to modulate, seems way more crisp than ever, gained huge amount of bottom, some mid and feels like some top. I finally get it to some more open areas and some road transfers sections and get to open it up. The Dome has always brought a lot of mid power at the expense of top end. I was always fine with that as I ride woods and in the bottom / mid a lot and love the mid range rush the Dome provide so the slightly capped top end never really bothered me. Well now it pulls like a scalded cat on top. HUGE gains. You can only be in the top and "On the pipe" for a few seconds as stuff happens quick and it revs to the moon real fast.

Initial conclusion for this ride:

The carb is no joke. The size and weight of the CNC version is offensive :>). Don't care. Ass dyno says it gained 30% off the bottom, 15% in the mid and gobs up top. You do seem to have to pull the throttle open further to get to the power and this is probably because of the keyhole progressive bore. But that also makes metering the low end very smooth and detailed. I found I had a lot more control over the much improved power. Win / win. Like others commented, easier to ride but much more power which seems counter-intuitive but is the case. We rode from 250 feet to 2000 feet, 30 degrees to about 45 and it ran perfect. Did not touch the carb all day after initial setup and it runs fantastic. Blake and I traded off, he has a WB165 with PC pipe. His bike is running very nice. His does still have more bottom but the mid and top my 125 are right there and the bottom is close. He was also stunned how good it ran, how much bottom emd it gained and how EZ it was to meter the power. The bike has a slightly different sound and the throttle response is FAR better. It is very snappy. I commented a few times during the ride it feels like it is about to blow up it is running so good. Feels like it gained CC's and has a shaved head and av gas. Has that super crispy snappy sound and response. Very happy with the performance. This carb is the real deal. I like the no external lines, the twist the knob adjusting, no jets to clog, and the huge power and response gains. If this thing gets better mileage too (and i think it will) it will be icing on the cake.

I'm sold. Its is real, it does increase performance and run-ability in substantial and real world ways.

Will be installing the 165 kit in the next few days and trying it on that. I have the feeling it will be a fire breathing monster.

I'm not looking forward to giving this carb back and the LONG wait for my cast one to arrive.
I told you that once Kelly gets something he likes it tends to disappear into the black hole never to re-surface. :lol:
Sorry you had so much trouble with the cable end popping off/out of the slide. We must have lucked out it was (knock on wood) quick and simple for us on my 08Cr. Great report Kelly I figured you could do a better job of reporting than than me :D. Look forward to your report with it on the 165. Word of caution....make sure you have it pointed where you want to go with the 165 at anything above say 1/2 throttle on! It is funny how much more power you get and with better control where you need it the most; low-mid. It's all different though at WFO on a 165 anyway. Again great report and take your time I've got new tires on the TC250 :D.
You said the mid and upper where comparable to a 165? that's crazy!

the 04-08 CR125's are rockets stock. The Doma adds a bunch of mid but caps the top a little... Well until the APT and now it is like a run away train on top. Missile fast. Almost feels like it will rev itself to death. I did not get top get into the top a lot but there was a lot more there than before (makes me wonder if my main is off on my stock carb) and just screams to what feels like endless top end.
Sorry you had so much truoble with the cable popping off/out. We must have lucked out it was (knock on wood) quick and simple for us on my 08Cr. Great report Kelly I figured you could do a better job of reporting than than me :D. Look forward to your report with it on the 165. Word of caution....make sure you have it pointed where you want to go with the 165 at anything above say 1/2 throttle on! It is funny how much more power you get and with better control where you need it the most; low-mid. It's all different though at WFO on a 165 anyway. Again great report and take your time I've got new tires on the TC250 :D.

thanks man, I really appreciate it. I thought it was odd i needed 13 clicks leaner than you but I guess that's the beauty of a single circuit one external adjustment carb :thumbsup:
K watch what it does to the top on the 165! Yep no jetting is EASY!

I have a big fat beautiful KTM200 Doma pipe for it too. I seriously thinking this setup. 165, Dome 200 pipe and APT is going to be over the top FAST.

BTW I feel the carb makes enough of the difference i could gear it up a few teeth.
Yep I'm gonna try a 48 rear with it. I'm to old to keep up with the 50 :oldman:! Hey does your exhaust smell differnt with the SC?
My son just stopped by and I was telling him about the cable popping out on you. He actually installed mine as I read the instructions to him. He said make sure once you get the cable into the slide to hold up a little tension on the cable as you slide and position the small washer on top of the slide. He said he thinks it (small washer with hole) prevents it from popping back out. You have it figured out now of course but this may help Walt.
Did not really notice. Does sound somewhat different. crispy like avgas.

Nice unbiased report. From john01's place to you and the difference between the two bikes, 13 clicks means you moved the metering rod .026" to dial it in. How much weight in brass is that worth?
Thanks Kelly for the wright up and the pic of the carb,I,m very interested in one later in the spring,look forward to more reviews.
My son just stopped by and I was telling him about the cable popping out on you. He actually installed mine as I read the instructions to him. He said make sure once you get the cable into the slide to hold up a little tension on the cable as you slide and position the small washer on top of the slide. He said he thinks it (small washer with hole) prevents it from popping back out. You have it figured out now of course but this may help Walt.

It does but it also does not index into anything so it can spin and align and release.
Wow, 11 pages of posts I just read to get up to date. After riding yesterday with Kelly, and trying it out first hand, I figured I better check-in to read up a little more on it.

I am not a "fine-tuner" by any means... I get my stuff to run ok, then just leave it. If something doesn't feel right, I always assume it's me, and don't even think about tinkering with a bike, so sometimes it is hard for me to notice changes. However, that being said, i did notice some changes on Kelly's bike with this carb.

The absolute most noticable to me was the throttle response. It is WAY snappier, and WAY WAY more responsive.

Second thing I noticed was I could ride his bike in a much lower RPM than before (meaning more power)

The other thing I was diggin was it only took him 20-30 seconds to make an adjustment to the carb externally, without even getting off the bike. This gave me sufficient time to warm my hands on my PC pipe.

I give this carb two mugs up! :cheers:

Thanks John for sending it to Kelly. I just happened to get lucky to be able to try this carb out!
You guys are welcome. I just wanted to make sure my butt-o-meter is still working after 53 years :D. I only know how it felt on my WB165. I really didn't think it would do too much for the power on a 125; glad it did. I did expect the better throttle response and snappier power. I'm a tinkier and keeping up with the Mikuni on my bike in VA this time a year was a pain in the old ... I'm glad you got some time with it and hope you get to see/feel it back to back with your WB165. Thanks for your input :cheers:.