AA Class
Steve, The Maico brake shoes I am starting with are oversize and need fitting, thats where the need for tool was for me. I do understand what Fran means. I could also turn the linings with this tool. I would probaly try a stone wheel instead of the carbide cutter.I have never checked a lining to see how bad they runout. Thank you all for the imput.
Huskydoggg;65402 said:Even with brand new shoes and a drum within spec, some Husky brakes require a lot of cam movement to initiate contact. Therefore, the shoes need to arced to match the drum at point of contact, ie. with cam actuated/spaced as mentioned by Fran...k. If the cam requires too much movement to initiate contact it changes the mechanical advantage and creates other issues. Best to get oversize shoes and arc them to match a freshly turned drum.
Another solution, which I think Fran..k is describing, is a thicker drum liner than stock. This still requires arcing of shoes to match.
I really like the shoe arcing device pictured above. For those of use without machining equipment and skills, (or money!) shoes can be matched to drums the odd-fashioned way with chaulk, a file, and lots of patience.