Just a heads up, the number of posts & threads may actually go down a bit in the near future. I've been thinking very hard how to make Cafe Husky better, and for several reasons I've decided to clean up old threads & posts that were never meant to be public, such as the old 'Coffee Talk' where only the person that started a thread and myself could see those threads. At the moment they are hidden and not deleted.We are approaching 10K members, 1/4 million posts and a GREAT crowd. TT on the other had hardly has 2 new posts a day in the husky forum. I can't keep up with this site. Looks like Coffees little idea worked. Shows what honest level moderating and a good group of people will do. Keep up the good work Dean, thanks.
Make sense? Basically I need to remove all private discussions that were never meant to be public. Sort of a spring cleaning, so I can bring in some additional help** cause there is no way this place will ever be what I envisioned doing it all myself.
**Enthusiastic people that want to organize things better, like MattR has been doing in the 2st forum - but doing things far beyond threads/posts/stickies organization. Things like actual website design like html & CSS. Nothing nefarious at all, everything being done with the most honorable intentions. For instance try to envision this 'Page' containing pertinent 2013 Husqvarna bike information. Then try to envision another Page that contains cross reference listing of what parts could be used on those bikes. Things like that.