AA Class
It really is just the condition with these plated dirt bikes and seems every manufacturer struggles to meet the EPA requirements.
The question had nothing to do with KTM or Yamahas or any other makes, its was if we would buy again, some said yes some said no, those that said no really don't need an education on other makes issues but since we are there, allow me to share the other side of the road; My Beta runs absolute circles around the 449/511, not by a little but by a wide margin. No one that I can find has any issues with them running properly when all smoged up new. Mine roosts all the way from sea level to 10K with just a twist of the on-the-fly mixture knob. Many friends I ride with have little to no issues with their new KTM's, Hussy's or Yamahas, some little issues yes but none have had to reprogram the ecu or put new exhausts on to make them able to climb a 30 degree hill.