• 4 Stroke Husqvarna Motorcycles Made In Italy - About 1989 to 2014
    TE = 4st Enduro & TC = 4st Cross

  • Hi everyone,

    As you all know, Coffee (Dean) passed away a couple of years ago. I am Dean's ex-wife's husband and happen to have spent my career in tech. Over the years, I occasionally helped Dean with various tech issues.

    When he passed, I worked with his kids to gather the necessary credentials to keep this site running. Since then (and for however long they worked with Coffee), Woodschick and Dirtdame have been maintaining the site and covering the costs. Without their hard work and financial support, CafeHusky would have been lost.

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working to migrate the site to a free cloud compute instance so that Woodschick and Dirtdame no longer have to fund it. At the same time, I’ve updated the site to a current version of XenForo (the discussion software it runs on). The previous version was outdated and no longer supported.

    Unfortunately, the new software version doesn’t support importing the old site’s styles, so for now, you’ll see the XenForo default style. This may change over time.

    Coffee didn’t document the work he did on the site, so I’ve been digging through the old setup to understand how everything was running. There may still be things I’ve missed. One known issue is that email functionality is not yet working on the new site, but I hope to resolve this over time.

    Thanks for your patience and support!

Cracked 09 TC450 Frame!?!?

What is amazing about these posts is, that did anybody think that maybe the poster posted before contacting dealer, does anybody think that in such a small husky world that a dealer would want to knowingly sell a bike like this. I hope everyone who is on the bashing side understands this. Also a dealer who is supporting the local ama chapter, lets get real. Was the bike purchased 5 months ago,probably, was it looked over probably, just remember just because we are hiding behinde screens doesn't mean slander with out probable cause doesn't happen.

It is hard to accept that any dealer would sell a bike with a cracked frame like this. If said dealer didn't look this frame over after he knew it was raced hard, than he probably should have. Lesson learned???
It is hard to accept that any dealer would sell a bike with a cracked frame like this. If said dealer didn't look this frame over after he knew it was raced hard, than he probably should have. Lesson learned???

Or said dealer selling a brand new in original crate bike that after it was assembled by the customer (dealer agreements usually stipulate or imply that bikes must be shipped assembled/PDI'd etc) only for the customer who thought they were saving a buck to discover there is a minor or major rideability issue with the bike that should have been identified at the dealer who sold it and shipped it. I have seen this twice in under a year now from this same dealer and it's fact, not slander. So lets just say something like this is icing on the cake.

Giving a discount on accessories for selling a bike with major frame flaws that weren't identified is CRAP! Mistakes do happen, but to offer this as a kiss and make up proposition is a lot less then I think should be offered and I'm looking at it from the other side of the equation as a seller/dealer.

As for Scotty's comments I also agree there is possibility to get some action if the dealer stepped up to the plate to present the case to HSQ.
Were it i, i wouldn't have the frame welding done at the local implement dealer. Pre-stress and heat treatment is very important as i'm sure you are aware, TIG it together for sure by a race car shop. Very bad deal, good thing you found it. Best of luck though. The dealer should replace it for certain, big time danger. It must have been a huge hit to have broken it without some flaw to start with i would think.
Or said dealer selling a brand new in original crate bike that after it was assembled by the customer (dealer agreements usually stipulate or imply that bikes must be shipped assembled/PDI'd etc) only for the customer who thought they were saving a buck to discover there is a minor or major rideability issue with the bike that should have been identified at the dealer who sold it and shipped it. I have seen this twice in under a year now from this same dealer and it's fact, not slander. So lets just say something like this is icing on the cake.

Giving a discount on accessories for selling a bike with major frame flaws that weren't identified is CRAP! Mistakes do happen, but to offer this as a kiss and make up proposition is a lot less then I think should be offered and I'm looking at it from the other side of the equation as a seller/dealer.

As for Scotty's comments I also agree there is possibility to get some action if the dealer stepped up to the plate to present the case to HSQ.

Bobby.....actually you make a great point. what if I am not the only poor sod who has been "had". In my line of work we always talk about the "Escallation" process after equipment failure. I manage all of North America, Africa, Australia and China equipment distribution. We spend tons of money to keep our customers happy, I just camwe back from a Canada trip since two of our treaters were malfunctioning. I signed off on $28 000 of parts and tech service to keep them, happy, and they were. In a tough economy and the US under pressure, your name hangs on the balance from service, quality components, innovation and just the shear old American culture of keeping the customer happy.
Hi guys, I was in Canada for business and came back on Friday. I have recieved emails (to my personal address) about the mentioned dealer.........If a guy could'v only known this before. It seems like these days u must first post a request about companies where you want to purchase equipment and such. I took the bike out for the first time for a ride.....and thats what I got. We are in the process of a major tear down,,,,,,why the f*ck would I buy a bike to rip it apart. I travel a lot all over the States and Canada for work and really do not have time to be a gawd dam Husky mechanic.
Were it i, i wouldn't have the frame welding done at the local implement dealer. Pre-stress and heat treatment is very important as i'm sure you are aware, TIG it together for sure by a race car shop. Very bad deal, good thing you found it. Best of luck though. The dealer should replace it for certain, big time danger. It must have been a huge hit to have broken it without some flaw to start with i would think.
Once the word has been spread about this dealer, it will cost him way more in lost business, than a new frame would have set him back.
I completely missed this thread..
fyi - I changed this in the first post
to *#&ken because the software we are using thought was confused about the '@' (thought it was an email address).

Also, from post #1, is this a screw hole in the frame? Maybe a sheet metal screw was holding something on?

Not unknown to happen to them if its had a real hard life on a MX track unfortunately. The frame design was changed. If you cant get your money back weld it up and respray it. Then do what you want... :(
Me? I'd draft a letter to the Better Business Bureau documenting everything. From my foxhole, the owner should have 1) thoroughly inspected the bike, 2) found the cracks, 3) replaced the frame and 4) been an honest guy. This is a case of some simple negligence and dishonesty, IMO.
Have the seller split the cost of a replacement frame. Period. Shine the schwag. You bought it, you own it. End of story. Harsh but true.

Trying to weld that mess of rust is going to be like hearding cats, but, you could try if you lug it from the inside after you get all the rust out.

If it was my neck? I'd try and find a replacement first and chalk it up to experience because I didn't catch it before I signed off- which has happned to me before. I aint perfect and have gotten burned, be it on purpose or accident from the seller. I've bought cracked frame bikes, totaled cars, used boats- ever buy a used boat?!?!?! You aint lived.

Both parties are culpable, but, no one is really liable unless you can prove intent (pending state laws).
Selling dealer for selling it (and I SERIOUSLY doubt he did this on purpose, seriously, think about it) and the buyer for not inspecting it first.

NEVER buy a used dirt bike w/o inspecting it or having it inspected. Same with a used car- take the freakin' thing to a mechanic first because when you sign on the dotted line it's "as is" and good luck collecting after that!
What is amazing about these posts is, that did anybody think that maybe the poster posted before contacting dealer, does anybody think that in such a small husky world that a dealer would want to knowingly sell a bike like this. I hope everyone who is on the bashing side understands this. Also a dealer who is supporting the local ama chapter, lets get real. Was the bike purchased 5 months ago,probably, was it looked over probably, just remember just because we are hiding behinde screens doesn't mean slander with out probable cause doesn't happen.

You could have a point but I have to ask. Do you work for that dealer? interesting that the OP and you both come from Minnesota...