I still think the bike just nees some fine tuning.
For ideas, here is what I have done to mine.
I am usually never happy with the way my bike runs but as it sits now I love it. It pulls hard and early but there is not much of what I would call a hit. I do stall it once or twice a ride now if I am doing real tech low speed stuff all day but it is not bad. It stalls no easier than every KTM 200 I have ridden, it is just not as almost impossible to stall as a WR. Speaking of a KTM200, a buddy of mine rode my bike and a 200 last ride and said mine had more low end and was better at climbing. So I am confident you can get a CR150 to work, especially for a fast guy which it sounds like you are. If you add FWW I would not go too big as then the motor will not want to spin up which is what I do not like about the WR.
For ideas, here is what I have done to mine.
I am usually never happy with the way my bike runs but as it sits now I love it. It pulls hard and early but there is not much of what I would call a hit. I do stall it once or twice a ride now if I am doing real tech low speed stuff all day but it is not bad. It stalls no easier than every KTM 200 I have ridden, it is just not as almost impossible to stall as a WR. Speaking of a KTM200, a buddy of mine rode my bike and a 200 last ride and said mine had more low end and was better at climbing. So I am confident you can get a CR150 to work, especially for a fast guy which it sounds like you are. If you add FWW I would not go too big as then the motor will not want to spin up which is what I do not like about the WR.