9000 mile update (8000 mile was on April 21)
About 18 months on active duty now, never really checked the rear shock linkage very well, heard some funny sounds, pulled it all apart and it looked alot like Duggoey's (that's his pic below, with the needles out of at least one bearing)
pic courtesy of Duggoey
I ordered some INA HK2020 bearings for $8 apiece, and finally got them in, pretty easy pressing them in after freezing them for a while. I used a bottle jack to line everything up going back together.
Indorider described perfectly what I encountered:
......I found all of the bearings locally except for the only one that is a different size (and most likely to go bad first) which is the one for the shock. The wider bearing fits but the seals won't go in flush so I wrapped the entire end of the shock and link tightly with an old tube until i receive the proper bearing.
So I got the inspiration from Indorider to make up a slotted piece of tube to provide a little protection for the naked bearing at the bottom of the shock.
I was gonna get a new spark plug but when I pulled the OEM plug, it just didn't look too bad, save for the carbon build-up from running too rich. I believe the reddish tint on the left, before cleaning, is from the octane booster I had to start using to counter the increasing compression due to suspected carbon build-up.
The bike kept leaning farther and farther to the left, as the kickstand dug itself deeper into the frame stop, so I saw that the bolt that I had previously re-mounted my pegs with could be replaced with a longer bolt and act as a kickstand stop, allowing the bike to stand up a little straighter. Looks like hell, works like a dream.
The bike is STILL a jet, runs with or away from all other bikes. Still with the OEM rear sprocket, the front 14t has about 7000 miles on it as well as does the chain. I still love riding it, the pics below are from a hard-as-hell ride I did with some guys in June, and the noises from my rusted out linkage started after bottoming the suspension out on the drop-off below.