Very interesting reading. I guess it's just a sign of the times, something I can't relate to being an old geezer and all. We all have our addictions, and in my day there wasn't any such thing as an energy drink. It's all marketing, making you think that you absolutely must have something to give you energy through the day....and without it, you're absolutely worthless. Try getting a good nights sleep (NRG drinks don't help there), try eating right and losing some weight and maybe getting your heartbeat up with exercise once in a while. It's kinda like diet pills....they won't do crap for you unless you change your behaviors and habits. Yep, you can get a good "buzz" on sugar, caffeine, and "mystery natural plant joo-joo", but to let that stuff set the tone for your day and worse yet become a necessity for survival is nothing short of an addiction. Same as booze, cigs, and illegal drugs. It goes to the pleasure center in your brain and before long you can't function without it. You know that's true subconsciously....maybe even consciously....but sooner or later become powerless to control it. Power drinks are not good for you, no matter how they make you feel (which is the attraction - if it feels good, it sure can't hurt). Tell that to a heroin addict or the guy that overdosed on NRG drinks and ended up with a high blood pressure brain anurism or cardiac arrest. Is it really something you need, or is it just the "thing to do" 'cause everyone else does it and the marketers say you're not cool if you don't?
Wow, talk about getting on my soap box! (hey, it's a free world). I got on the same soap box many moons ago when they started selling water in stores. Wow, what a concept; selling water! Now it's 10 times the price of gas. The water is fine out of my tap.