Carb overflowing? Try this
old trick from the stone-age FIRST: turn the gas off, run the bike till it sputters, then turn the gas on-off-on-off-on-off quick as possible. Try it twice, maybe. This technique can flush a small particle stuck at the float needle seat, because the needle valve is dropped as far as it can go; and this may un-wedge your floats, if that is the problem (and if so- adjust the maximum drop of your floats, when you get home, via the small tab on the side). And if you are having small particles holding your needle valve open, you might be experiencing symptoms of another problem, like a petcock or fuel line is degrading or your tank is contaminated. Question: does rapping on the side of the float bowl really un-stick floats/needles in modern carbs? ....okay, *maybe* old Amal's but still...
carbs leak out the overflow tube for a few reasons (in order of likelihood IMNSHO):
- particle in the needle seat (most common)
- fuel in the gas tank is over-pressurized, forcing the float needle down (open the cap to verify)
- float out of adjustment
- varnish/contaminant around the seat
- float-needle stuck
- float stuck
- worn float-needle
- worn/scored seat (sorta rare with rubber-tipped needles used now)
- carb drain slightly open (brass screw usually on the right side of the carb)
- float sunk (very rare nowadays, especially with solid floats)
- needle dropped out (not likely with maximum-drop tab on newer carbs)
- metal tab on floats is broken (I've never seen this)
- cracked or missing inner overflow pipe (I've never seen this)
- float bowl has a leak into the overflow circuit (I've never seen this)