AA Class
I can not do quote in a box today. As to post #9
"I like the idea of putting a 430 in an 83 or 84 500 frame with the ITCs out back. The milk truck frames for the 500s had a bend in the front down tube to clear the exhaust. Not sure if the 83 250 frame had the bend, if not, the 430 may not work in your 250 frame. Anybody know if the 250 had the bend in the down tube or can you see it on your frame Bill? "
The white frames, not the four strokes have the front tube with a bend or sweep. The 1982 and a half silver streak 500 had the straight down tube and the engine fit. I put a 500 engine in an 1982 auto frame and it works, barely. I had a 430 engine in there for a while as well. Just can not go the other way, earlier engine needing that squashed tube for clearance near the left foot peg.
I find the power characteristics of the air cooled 500 more enjoyable than the 430 at least the water cooled 430.
I went to a bit of trouble to get the water cooled dual shock frame but did nothing with it as of yet. The white frame has the best airbox in my opinion and the tubes near the footpegs are such that if the foot is knocked back the heel does not seem hit a tube the way that has occurred on the silver frame. it is not too hard to have the foot hit the itc shock though.
"I like the idea of putting a 430 in an 83 or 84 500 frame with the ITCs out back. The milk truck frames for the 500s had a bend in the front down tube to clear the exhaust. Not sure if the 83 250 frame had the bend, if not, the 430 may not work in your 250 frame. Anybody know if the 250 had the bend in the down tube or can you see it on your frame Bill? "
The white frames, not the four strokes have the front tube with a bend or sweep. The 1982 and a half silver streak 500 had the straight down tube and the engine fit. I put a 500 engine in an 1982 auto frame and it works, barely. I had a 430 engine in there for a while as well. Just can not go the other way, earlier engine needing that squashed tube for clearance near the left foot peg.
I find the power characteristics of the air cooled 500 more enjoyable than the 430 at least the water cooled 430.
I went to a bit of trouble to get the water cooled dual shock frame but did nothing with it as of yet. The white frame has the best airbox in my opinion and the tubes near the footpegs are such that if the foot is knocked back the heel does not seem hit a tube the way that has occurred on the silver frame. it is not too hard to have the foot hit the itc shock though.