the engines are not numbered to the frames. the frames state what year and model they are. long as you have an 85 motor in an 85 frame, it is "correct".
I've also seen late year bikes with the next years plastic, I had a 83-1/2 CR which was sold as a 84. It had a 84 WR tank, 84 seat & side covers & a very high frame serial # for the year & was sold thru a very small dealership in Conn.
Husky made bikes with the parts they had on site, if the model year was wounding down & the next year model were almost ready then some of those parts were used too. There's was NO on time , next day parts delivery back then, what they had, got built.
I've also seen late year bikes with the next years plastic, I had a 83-1/2 CR which was sold as a 84. It had a 84 WR tank, 84 seat & side covers & a very high frame serial # for the year & was sold thru a very small dealership in Conn.
Husky made bikes with the parts they had on site, if the model year was wounding down & the next year model were almost ready then some of those parts were used too. There's was NO on time , next day parts delivery back then, what they had, got built.