I got the Yaesu FT 270R, which is apparently their latest greatest. Baja Designs doesn't carry it, but they have other brands that I'm sure are also good, if slightly more expensive. I got my Yaesu radio online from ham radio outlet. You will also need to get the Yaesu adapter for the BD headset, which is CT 91.
I got the headset from baja designs. When I got the headset from BD, they were waiting on a part and it took longer than expected. So, if you order from them, make sure when you call then that they have all the parts in stock and ready to ship. If they can't guarantee timely shipment, then you'll have a decision to make.
Lastly, you need to "modify" the unit to get it to transmit (as opposed to just receive) at the 151.490 frequency (not a hobbiest band). Each unit will have a different "mod" of course. Xymotic and I know the mod for the Yaesu (prying a tiny part off the board), but not the others. So if you get another brand/model, you will need to figure out how to modify it.
Clear as mud?
Given the short timeframe, I would recommend calling BD and telling them you need a radio/headset combo for the 151.490 frequency (transmission and reception) and see what they say. It might cost you $20-$30 more than buying the radio elsewhere, but you may get a peace-of-mind that it will work as a unit. But if you get FT 270R, and CT 91 adaptor, with the BD headset (the combo I have), then I'm pretty sure we can get it to work. Ed