I'd certainly take my 250 st over my 250 4t machines ... Not that the 4t would not finish it AOK... But you know ... That 2t will be more than adequate for that job ...
It was a really gnarly track the year you went or just plain gnarly?
Not really gnarly at all as it was a lot like some of the stuff we ride. It's just that some of it is semi challenging but the 120 plus miles is the gnarly part. I'd rate the trails as a 6 hard wise but the amount a solid 8. Lots of DNF's because people could just not ride for 6-8 hours straight in single track where you have to focus all the time. This is not an extreme event terrain wise unless they get some good rain or snow. I also ran it one year when it was very hot and people were dropping like flies. I drank my camelback dry by the first check (of 7 checks) luckily the crews at the check points had lots of water and were running around refueling peoples water supply while you were in line.