Pro Class
For anyone who has NEVER been to MOAB. My advice is GO. Life is short DO NOT put it off. Even if you don't bring your dirt bike there is SOOO much to do. You can rent a jeep for 24 hours for around $175.00. You can ride a horse (I did and still hate those darn things) and look at indian petroglyphs ^Why is there no spell check??? You can walk across archways with your kids. And you can have so much fun with your dirtbike to!! Been there 4 times in my life and CAN NOT wait to go back**************************************** If heaven is like this I would not fear death at all!! What this guy is doing looks AWESOME!! Before they closed Lions Back, back when you could camp there and sneek in the back way to Slick Rock I got to go up it!!! None of my other buddies would do it!! Gotta get back to work so I can save and get there again****************************************