AA Class
Just found this in the vintage left kickers section....
When you Disassemble the shocks, there are spacers between the seal head and the piston. You can remove or add to these to change the shock overall length. With the ITC shock, they have a piston that enters a hole to give a hydraulic bottoming device. I remove these (or actually, it is easier to leave it in position and remove the alloy sleeve that the piston enters) and use a conventional Ohlins bump stop on the outside of the shock rod. The thinking here is that if you compress the shock really quickly - the ITC device hydraulic locks - which is why the shafts are often bent, and why Ohlins latest products have reverted to the good old - old fashioned bump stop. Also, you often find the 'topping - out' 18m/m dia spring inside is broken. Replace this spring before you re-assemble. ITC's ran 7.5w oil...
hva-factory, Aug 30, 2012 House Keeping
that's from the horses mouth!
This is exactly what I need, being 192cm and 110Kg.....thanks mate !