AA Class
It's been a while since I posted but I've been lurking and wrenching on the beater WR 125 I got. The $400 WR has been overhauled and now sports 2004 plastics. I did find that I will need the airbox (ordered) and radiators to complete the swap but for now it works with all but the side panels. I broke in the bike today and was impressed with how hard this little bike pulls. After a little bit (10 minutes of riding after the 3rd heat cycle) it became blubbery on the top then moreso in the mid as well then got to the point it would hardly run. I pulled the plug and it was black so it seems rich. The TMX carb is pretty shot with wear on the slide and who knows what else. It didn't even have the air screw when I got it and the hole was packed with dirt!! It's jetted 35P 400M and I'm unsure of the needle. I'm at about sea level and it was in the mid 60's today. I had the AS adjusted a little fat for the break-in but it still came on the pipe hard at first--and that's with the incorrect throttle cable the prior owner installed which is too long thus only giving about 3/4 throttle max. The reeds looked good when I had it apart but it acts like one may have broken or maybe the PV is not working correctly.
On another note the CR 250 shock I swapped in is either VERY stiff or something is binding. I get pretty much zero race sag and very little rider sag with my 200lbs on it. I have backed off the preload and it helped very little. I'll make another post regarding that problem but overall I think this will be a great practice bike and bike for the wife (if I don't steal it!!) once I get it fine tuned. Much of the bike is fresh now with little investment but a lot of time so I hope I can get it sorted.
On another note the CR 250 shock I swapped in is either VERY stiff or something is binding. I get pretty much zero race sag and very little rider sag with my 200lbs on it. I have backed off the preload and it helped very little. I'll make another post regarding that problem but overall I think this will be a great practice bike and bike for the wife (if I don't steal it!!) once I get it fine tuned. Much of the bike is fresh now with little investment but a lot of time so I hope I can get it sorted.