Okay here is my diagnosis.
Runs much better at 108 101 100, tried going down to 98 on CO1 and it kept getting worse. Seemed to settle in on CO1 108 as the winner. So it runs much better even when at temperature, but gets noticeably worse as it gets hot 100 C on the water temp. My fan does not seem to come on, not sure when it is supposed to. So if it is temperature related how is this solved
Before I set TPS to 102.4 I also cranked in idle air adjustment screw to get to 2200 rpms, that would lean idle out.
Mine is set to idle at 2200 rpms as well. That is fine.
My fan never came on even stuck in deep mud in the summer. I took it off and put it in a box.
OTOH the fan on my 2012 310 comes on frequently.
Keep testing.
Yes, change that temp sensor if you have no done so already.
Note the coolant temp reading appears on I-beat.