For anyone's reference, the as shipped setting on the 38mm Lectron for my WR300, first gen, 3-1XL rod is 49mm.
I'll be setting to match that, testing it out (without making any further adjustments) and switching over to focus on the ignition situation.
The workshop manual for the 2011 has a procedure to test the stator, however, it does not seem correct to me.
Alternator check
Disconnect the regulator from the wiring. rev the engine up to about 3000 r.p.m. and measure no-load voltage across the BROWN wire and the ground using a VAC voltmeter with a scale at least up to 50V.
The voltmeter will show a voltage readout 35,5 V.
If there is no readout or voltage is mardely unbalanced, the stator is faulty.; in this event, check insulation across tested wise and grounf using an ohmmeter. Insulation must be total, i.e. resistance must be infinite.
Direct from the manual, spelling and typos carried over to match.
Looking at the wiring diagram, this seems wrong. Attached is a smaller version of the diagram (with the yellow A/C wire powered accessories removed). Where I drew the red line would be the break at removing the regulator. If that is circuit is broken, then there is no longer A/C power going to the CDI/Coil. How would the engine run at 3,000 RPM, without having A/C power to charge the coil and produce spark? On other bikes this would work as typically I don't see the coil being powered from the regulator, making the regulator basically an unnecessary part. I'm hesitant to bypass it though. As the reports of the CDI burning out on Ducati ignition bikes being started with a headlight on, would put the likely culprit as a failure at the regulator rather than the CDI itself, basically, the regulator failure causing the damage to the CDI.
With this tie-in, it could be the regulator itself is bad. So, if I can determine the stator itself is good, then tomorrow I can pull what I need to on my dad's "donor" bike (he's gone for the week anyway, so don't say anything). If I can't confirm which part is bad, I don't think I have much option than to go back to the PVL and try to get it sorted. No information is provided for testing the regulator or CDI individually, so I'm not sure how successful I'll be in determining that, but I'm thinking I'll be taking a meter to my dad's bike and recording everything I can think to measure, to compare against my components.
Unfortunately, I can only get away with firing up my bike so late in my neighborhood and I usually don't make it home from work until about 6:30. So, after about 9PM, I'll have to switch over to replacing wheel and linkage bearings. It's going to be a long week. I think I feel a sick day coming up. Although I'm already taking off Monday to drive back from TX.