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I rarely have kick back issues and I always run chevron supreme (its what i have near me) 91 octane with some good quality octane boost and maxima castor 927 mixed 32:1. Ill maybe return it to stock timing and im definitely going to lower my gearing too. I was just reading a thread on here about how your premix ratio should change with the rpm you ride at and it got me thinking that my castor at 32:1 could save me trouble down the way. When I look in from my exhaust port, my cylinder doesnt look perfect, it has a few mild scores (probably from when i lost all my coolant and it started to overheat), but i think that with the castor and good gas I shouldnt have any issues inside. I ride kinda all rpms but with a motor this big you arent in the tippity top rpm for long, so i think my mix and oil are sufficient and should make her last.