• Husqvarna Motorcycles Made In Sweden - About 1988 and older

  • Hi everyone,

    As you all know, Coffee (Dean) passed away a couple of years ago. I am Dean's ex-wife's husband and happen to have spent my career in tech. Over the years, I occasionally helped Dean with various tech issues.

    When he passed, I worked with his kids to gather the necessary credentials to keep this site running. Since then (and for however long they worked with Coffee), Woodschick and Dirtdame have been maintaining the site and covering the costs. Without their hard work and financial support, CafeHusky would have been lost.

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working to migrate the site to a free cloud compute instance so that Woodschick and Dirtdame no longer have to fund it. At the same time, I’ve updated the site to a current version of XenForo (the discussion software it runs on). The previous version was outdated and no longer supported.

    Unfortunately, the new software version doesn’t support importing the old site’s styles, so for now, you’ll see the XenForo default style. This may change over time.

    Coffee didn’t document the work he did on the site, so I’ve been digging through the old setup to understand how everything was running. There may still be things I’ve missed. One known issue is that email functionality is not yet working on the new site, but I hope to resolve this over time.

    Thanks for your patience and support!

Recently acquired absolute basket case 85 500XC project

Silently I chuckle to myself. Those pic of the parts....I've been there!

Well worth it to see the old bike in pristine and sound running condition.
Cool, yeah, I just have to laugh at myself too. Or shake my head. But that's just what I do, I take old things, that I guess most others no longer want, and I make them look great once again. Plus, since I'm a gear head, I usually then really turn the tables and find power/performance and looks that in the end has jaws dropped by those that didn't give it second notice to begin with. It's fun. Makes ya feel good, and usually get the same performance for less money by doing it yourself. If not a better whatever it is, if you do it right.

However, usually.......my project machines roll with all their wheels on, upon bringing them home for the first time lol. This one, had no freakin fork tubes, and a 2x4 in place of the shock. So I had to pick this one up by the bars and walk backwards with it. She was worse than in those pics, really, as far as being disassembled. However, I pretty quickly to more assess my situation, started tossing parts back on to do a half hearted loose roller mock up if you will. AGain, just to help with assessing. Looked better in 15 minutes. Poor thing. LIke seeing a sick puppy or something for my sick gearhead mind. My problem, is I like older stuff, and the crux of the problem is always seeing things for what they could be lol. Sure, I'm good at assessing, but the addiction part is the invisioning in cherry shape. Being able to see past the issues, is both good, and bad.
The soon to be bike hauler, slash people hauler, slash other project parts or materials hauler.......... is also a project, and an old........even older one than this. The bike hauler is (pause as the suspense builds).........an ultra rare..........'76 Dodge Sportsman Royal SE factory 440 powered van. Extremely rare actually. I always wanted a van, and we ain't getting any younger, and this one was donated to the local Goodwill (I also used to be a hardcore Mopar nut (so the van spoke to me), and heavy into strip/street musclecars (this is where the 440 spoke to me)). Even my dog man, my dog is a Rescue I saved from accross the freakin country.
You're and insperation... I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not!

I too had a Husky in my younger days and was intrigued when I came across the 1895 500XC I now have. Motorcycles were the first vehicles I restored and I have never stopped since.

I currently have a 1962 mini cooper, a 1964 mini cooper S, a 1970 Karmann Ghia, a 1976 Dodge xplorer conversion van and a 1938 BMW WWII bike with side car... All in various stages of restoration in the shop. And now a 1985 Husqvarna 500XC and a 2001 KTM 300EXC.

I would really like to restore this one but I fear I will NEVER get around to it. How is your's progressing? Maybe I'll stop be next time I'm in your hood to see how you're doing :)
Yeah me either on the insperation part. I'm just hooked on certain machines it seems. Stuff that impressed me when I was younger, still impresses me, and I've just never stopped wanting certain toys I guess.

My first big bore, only had up to 250's in the past. Kind of a shame it's such a project, but in a way not really, as it's fitting that I be the one to resurect and rebuild it into the bike I want/need.

Cool collection! I've always kinda dug the original mini cooper's. Perhaps from seeing Steve McQueen had a cool one. Had a cousin into Vdubs when younger too. Would like to see pics of the 76 Xplorer conversion. Would really like to see pics of it. Have seen some brochures of older conversion vans, but never spotted a Dodge survivor today.

You'll get to it, just start the assesment of what it needs and start buying the parts when you see em. Mine I have not really touched yet. Have just been focused on getting all the parts first. She is getting fairly close to me starting to work. I'm actually for better or not, making the conversion to 87 specs on plastic and rear suspension. May even add different forks, and try to add a rear disc. I'm wanting to keep that last of the Swedish built flavor and style, while perhaps bringing a few things up performance wise. And ofcourse the 85/86 engine was the rocket, so that will only get a refresh. Though I am looking for porting info on the water cooled 500 barrel/jug.

Sounds good, and thanks for sounding in. If I could get pics of that van, let me know. We'll have to keep in touch.
Here ya go... Standing room, toilet, shower, stove, sink, queen bed, dash air, cruise control. All stock.


I have the correct hub caps too. ;)

I'm parting a 87-430XC and have alot of parts left-just decided to! Rear Ohlins shock is good and alot more. Not in the business of parting bikes so fair prices. Like to see someones project go further. I actually dont mind buying a project like yours because I end up going through everything anyway to make it the way I want it. Why pay more for someone elses work or parts you dont want? Check that crank/rod very carefully before reassembly, they were prone to lower end rod bearing failures. Scott
Sweet, and thanks for sounding in. Well, at this moment, it's kinda looking like I need a shock. Also a silencer/arrestor. I'm wanting this bike to be both forest legal, and as quiet as they can be made I guess. I can also relate to having to go through it anyways. Unless it's a real nice un-messed with original, then this is the other end of the spectrum your better off with. I'm actually starting to have some thoughts of selling my 85 roller, as it's a bike with title, minus the engine and exhaust, and left side panel. Other than that, it's a complete real original roller. Reason I'm starting to entertain that thought, is it seems I'm trying to build an 87 in my preferences. I could at this point just build one with another frame, an 87 frame. Still gotta look into the details of getting a title when you only have a bill of sale. That is the one pro for the 85 frame, it's titled. But heck, I'm really wanting to build an 87, with the conventionals from a later bike, and likely even perhaps the swingarm from a later bike to help adapting a rear disc on. Lots to still think about I guess.

The crank I have will have to be fully rebuilt. The bottom end is all appart. Still need a couple of the trans gears to have a complete good trans.
Hold on to that 1985 500XC roller with a title! PM me your phone number/contact info and lets get together and see what parts you have that I might need for the restoration that I said I wasn't going to do. LOL!
greenstreak;90753 said:
I bought a CD manual off of E-Bay. I can copy it for you if you want. I just got rid of a 1975 Honda XL350 and will look around for any parts or manuals for that one too. I will never have another one of those for sure. I had 2 and that was 2 too many. Spent a fortune on my last one and could never get it to run right.

Is this the set of manuals you got off eBay?


(eBay item # 120563258461)

Are they worth purchasing? I would love to have the manuals as well as the exploded parts diagrams and a parts interchange reference.
Yeah, the roller isn't going anywhere today, I know that. The only reason I'm giving some thought to selling the 85 as a roller, is because it just seems like I'm building an 87, with my tastes, and what keeps showing up parts wise lol. I like the 85/86's a ton, just slightly prefer the last year 87's. Hence gathering parts to convert this one. It just occured to me, that I almost have enough parts to where if I just snag an 87 frame, I could litterally build a true 87. Not far off. Plus something feels a tiny bit wrong about converting the 85 over, when they were setting a presendence and the first year single shocker. Just going through the options in my head I guess. I'm already planning to adapt a more modern front end, so.....that takes care of that segment of building a bike.
I replied to your PM Jeff, shoot me an email if you would. I'm online with business a ton.

Thanks much,
