Big Timmy
Pro Class
Read the previous posts. My rear mousse is on its third tire. I took pictures of it after removal and during the rear tire change on Friday. It has absolutely no damage since last November and Zero degradation. It will last for some time I'm sure.
I only changed the front mousse to try out the Nitro Mousses from Nuetech because they say they have a more lively feel to them, Not the common dull, dead feel that is common to the Michelin Mousses or other brands, which I had experienced first hand. After riding yesterday 185 miles and approximately 80+ or more of that distance at 55 to 65 mph on pavement. I can say the Nitro Mousse feels very neutral on the high speed dirt roads with the Shinko 216 MX Fat tire. Much better than the GT216 DST with the Michelin mousse I had on there the last 9+ months.
It was removed after 80 hours and since I was changing the tire I just wanted to look at it.
The front had not been opened up and re-lubed since last November either. It had no surface scuffs, holes, heat abrasions of any kind whatsoever. Surface was in perfect condition, the only indentations on its surface were ridges from the inside of the tires carcass and a small recess from the rim lock. After a good rinsing off and sitting out all day in the sun any shrinkage it appeared to have and it looking like it was distorted to the shape of the inside of the tire it was in had been in was no longer noticeable.
It will be getting installed in my G450X.
Here's a few pictures below of both tires after breaking them in with 80 miles of that on pavement and another 100+ miles on high speed 2 track trails and dirt roads.

I only changed the front mousse to try out the Nitro Mousses from Nuetech because they say they have a more lively feel to them, Not the common dull, dead feel that is common to the Michelin Mousses or other brands, which I had experienced first hand. After riding yesterday 185 miles and approximately 80+ or more of that distance at 55 to 65 mph on pavement. I can say the Nitro Mousse feels very neutral on the high speed dirt roads with the Shinko 216 MX Fat tire. Much better than the GT216 DST with the Michelin mousse I had on there the last 9+ months.
It was removed after 80 hours and since I was changing the tire I just wanted to look at it.
The front had not been opened up and re-lubed since last November either. It had no surface scuffs, holes, heat abrasions of any kind whatsoever. Surface was in perfect condition, the only indentations on its surface were ridges from the inside of the tires carcass and a small recess from the rim lock. After a good rinsing off and sitting out all day in the sun any shrinkage it appeared to have and it looking like it was distorted to the shape of the inside of the tire it was in had been in was no longer noticeable.
It will be getting installed in my G450X.
Here's a few pictures below of both tires after breaking them in with 80 miles of that on pavement and another 100+ miles on high speed 2 track trails and dirt roads.