I am a friend of Walt – Wallybean. I have often wondered who isn't? He helped me get started in this sport we love only a few short years ago. We live about 180 miles apart which is kind of like close neighbors in Montana. He takes care of my bike whenever I break it. He never asks for anything in return. For those of you who were in Bend last fall, I'm the guy who brought over Walt's bike for anyone, and everyone, to try. How generous is that? How many of you call Walt on a regular basis for help, and advise, on everything 2–stroke? How many posts has Walt made on Café Husky to answer questions posed?
Did you know that in the late fall of 2011, Walt and I went to Northern California to ride as winter was already upon us in NW Montana. Walt went out of his way, and I tagged along, to drive to Sacramento in the late evening to Celtic Dudes home. Once there, Walt fine tuned Celtic Dude's 144 motor components so that it would run. Apparently, it wouldn't run very will stock. Walt spend a couple of hours doing his magic while Celtic Dude watched over his shoulder asking a questions the entire time. Celtic Dude offered to compensate Walt, other than the pizza he provided, but Walt refused any renumeration. Walt seems happy just to make others happy.
I was there the next day when Celtic Dude and several of his friends, took Walt and I on a ride. I heard Celtic Dude say his bike was "running awesome" and "it is running so crisp, that the pipe is ringing" and that he was "not feeling a flatspot, or bog." All this performance was after Walt worked on his bike, using simple hand tools in Celtic Dudes garage for a couple of hours all out of the goodness of his heart.
And now I read this thread. To say that I am disappointed in Celtic Dude is an understatement.
So now we know who is not a friend of Walt. I really didn't think there was such a person out there. They say there is one in every group. I guess we found him.