• Husqvarna Motorcycles Made In Sweden - About 1988 and older

  • Hi everyone,

    As you all know, Coffee (Dean) passed away a couple of years ago. I am Dean's ex-wife's husband and happen to have spent my career in tech. Over the years, I occasionally helped Dean with various tech issues.

    When he passed, I worked with his kids to gather the necessary credentials to keep this site running. Since then (and for however long they worked with Coffee), Woodschick and Dirtdame have been maintaining the site and covering the costs. Without their hard work and financial support, CafeHusky would have been lost.

    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working to migrate the site to a free cloud compute instance so that Woodschick and Dirtdame no longer have to fund it. At the same time, I’ve updated the site to a current version of XenForo (the discussion software it runs on). The previous version was outdated and no longer supported.

    Unfortunately, the new software version doesn’t support importing the old site’s styles, so for now, you’ll see the XenForo default style. This may change over time.

    Coffee didn’t document the work he did on the site, so I’ve been digging through the old setup to understand how everything was running. There may still be things I’ve missed. One known issue is that email functionality is not yet working on the new site, but I hope to resolve this over time.

    Thanks for your patience and support!

Starting Big Bores

when they dropped them from the Nationals is the day that the big bore went (loudly) into the night :busted:

as a silly side note, on a bet I started my brothers 85 CR500 with flip flops, it really is about the method not the brute
very true unless they are set up to kick back
I agree.... I did my 500xc left footed in crocs... lol

Start it like a 4 stroke that doesnt have a compression release
I found that ( on my 500TC Husky ) using the decompression lever and kicking the bike 3 or 4 times before taking it just over top dead center then kicking it worked great when cold. If i stalled it or the engine stopped, after a crash for instance, ( HOT ) I would switch the fuel off. lay the bike over so the carb would drain. Then use the decomp lever and give the engine fresh air by kicking it 3 or 4 times , thereafter taking it over top dead center, start it, then put the fuel back on... Only once do I remember this technique not working for me and that time I resorted to pushing the bike over the finish line rather that settling for a DNF :)
I have been building a collection of early 80's Big Bore Bikes. The Husqvarna 430 was my 1st. Since I have restored the 81Maico 490, 80 Yamaha 465, the 80 Kawasaki 420, and 81 KTM 495 ( Worlds fastest dirt bike) and I have but have not restored yet the 81 Suzuki 465 and the 81 Honda 450. I have been keeping an eye out looking for the Can-Am and the Montessa 414 of which they imported 36 of them to the US.
Its odd that Honda and Kawasaki really got into Big Bores after there was no class for them to race in. The 84 M-Star was called the SC and yet there was never an open class in Super Cross.
I have found that every bike has its own personality, yes this was back when each bike was its own design, and not built using cookie cutters, with a panel of experts deciding what color will sell best. And each bike displays its personality most when starting it. The Kick it threw a couple of times slow to prime it and then Kick it once like You mean it making sure that the Kick goes all the way from top to bottom works best on all of them. Except the KTM 495. It wants the most wimpy slow kick as if it was a 125. When I bought the 01 KTM 380 the owner showed me how to start it. Lay it all the way down on the left side then the right and then once more to the left and it will start every time ! That not being my style I had to work on it for a wile. The Dunn Head mod and JD Jets and a Stealy Flywheel weight cured that. That bike was scary fast when I got it now its like an open class is supposed to be. I race a 83 Maico Sand Spider 490 in the Desert 100 Vintage Class. Once its started its the easiest bike to ride its like a tractor. 3rd gear works just about everywhere. Since the older I get the faster I was is my riding style these days I can use the 490 to full advantage in the Desert. When I catch a rider of equally poor riding ability they can hear the big bore and since they are used to hearing 4 strokes all day they always wonder what the H is that ? When I get a chance to open it up they just pull over to see what the heck that sound is !
Its good the see that KTM-Husqvarna has built a new 2 Stroke Engine for 2017. KTM sells more 2 stokes world wide than 4. There has always been the rumor that they will bring back the 380 for the last 15 years or so. I see the new motor retains the 72mm stroke for the 250. I wonder if the new Motor has the option for becoming a 380 or beyond. Would a modern Husqvarna 430 sell ? If they do they had better get ride of those Black Rims and go back to Gold.
my 84 4 stroke starts generally 1st or second kick cold with just choke on. when hot the 1st kick has to be good or it may need a clean out with 4 decomp kicks. I cant see draining the fuel from the carb would do anything unless your float level is too high??
If only Autos were so easy:cry:

Some of the problems starting the Autos for me are the left hand kick start, how many people can kick start properly with their left leg? Height of the kick start, I need to be slightly higher than the bike which means I have to turn the bike round or move it to a different position. The kick start getting less than a quarter turn before hitting the foot peg, getting it all set up to kick only to find the sprag hasn't engaged properly and I have just kicked fresh air.
I am always amazed how Husqvarna managed to design such great bikes but stuck with the left hand kickstart. Must have been to ensure their riders had the right sort of masochistic character.:D
"how many people can kick start properly with their left leg" ANSWER: None.

we all stand next to it and use our right leg. then its easy.
Some of the problems starting the Autos for me are the left hand kick start, how many people can kick start properly with their left leg? Height of the kick start, I need to be slightly higher than the bike which means I have to turn the bike round or move it to a different position. The kick start getting less than a quarter turn before hitting the foot peg, getting it all set up to kick only to find the sprag hasn't engaged properly and I have just kicked fresh air.
I am always amazed how Husqvarna managed to design such great bikes but stuck with the left hand kickstart. Must have been to ensure their riders had the right sort of masochistic character.:D
"how many people can kick start properly with their left leg" ANSWER: None.

we all stand next to it and use our right leg. then its easy.

you guys are silly...do you get off the bike and kick it every time? i am also amazed at how people have a hard time kicking something with one leg or the other. what difference does it make which leg you use? granted im over 6 foot tall but i start the 430 sitting all the time, especially when its hot. remember most swedes are taller folk.
I get off and start them with my right leg every time. 250s and smaller I can start with my left leg but big bores I have to use the right.
I get off and start them with my right leg every time. 250s and smaller I can start with my left leg but big bores I have to use the right.
theres nothing wrong with standing to the side, especially if you need to for height reasons like if you need to stand on a crate or whatever..i do it if im stalled in the woods and its easier to be on the left side of bike.
i actually dont mind the left kick tho..in fact ive only owned one right kick bike in my life (but rode plenty others) and i dont care which side it is. im more concerned with it actually having a good design lever.
I can't start the bigger bores. I was able to start the 250's. I put a welded sleeve which I tapped for a compression release on my 86 400wrx. Back then I could start it. I would roll the 390cr down a hill and start it in second gear back then. Or my son would kick it. He'd bring the piston to tdc and snap the kick starter. She'd start every time. But I have all the stuff for compression releases now. Each bike will get one.

A few used engines I just purchased have the compression release threaded in the head already.
the 76 360 me and my bother can both start with left leg . the 420 auto and the 500 cr are stand on a folded up ramp and kick with right leg .
i can start them both with left leg if i have something to lean the right hand grip on . but its generally easier to just use left leg

if we try to left kick a cz400 or square barrel maico with left leg we get yelled at by old people lol
Starting in the pits is easy when you can set yourself up, its a bit different when you are trying to start it on an off cambered turn in a MX or in a single track H & H. I would suggest more places/ races have been lost than I could count. To be fair to Husqvarna left hand kickers seems to be an European trait, (not British!) all I can think is there must be loads of left handed and ambidextrous Europeans:D
I grew up riding Bultacos and Huskys in the early 70's, so I learned to kick them while sitting on them. Still do it the same way on the CR500 Husky, but it is tall enough that I need a brick under my right foot. My CR500 Honda has the worst kick starter position in the world, but it taught me to fuel charge the cylinder as mentioned above (cycle through with the choke on several slow kicks). I can start my Yamaha TTR with one finger, but then it is electric start. :D
OK..here's my2 cents!! My LC 86-500 has been a real test of patience and I now believe I have the bike to the point that it starts well....that is most of the time. It has been at times and continues to be a finicky starter. Knowing that I have a sound motor with good ignition my starting procedure is based upon properly priming that big cylinder. So, It is fuel on, choke on than then 5 fairly slow "priming" kicks. Actually just moving the kicker through the kicking cycle. Then, from slightly pass TDC the motor will usually fire on the 1st or 2nd real hard kick. If it fires then I consider it a GREAT DAY!!

Timing set correctly is the biggest advantage to an easier starting big bore.

My method, when cold::popcorn:

Gas on, choke on, throttle wide open while laying bike over on 45-degree angle to the left for 5-seconds.

Then stand bike upright, throttle closed, put tranny into second gear, and rock forward and back 5-times, listening to the engine turn over (slightly)

Bike in neutral, stand on a milk crate, slowly find TDC, then kick hard & fast, all-the-way-thru.

Works for me!:thumbsup: