B Class
I have a 2012 WR125 and I couldn't even imagine lowering my seat height by loosening the shock spring (more sag). I have raced many bikes and after the first breakin ride the "first" thing I do is set rear sag. Most bikes handle like CRAP, don't turn very well and are a mess to handle (for me anyway) without the proper sag. I am 5'6" with 30" in-seam and it's rarely that I get into a situation that I can't hold the bike up with my toes or slid to one side using one leg. If I fall, I just get back up.
I don't mean to offend anyone but if you loosen your shock spring to lower your seat and you think the bike still handles good..........then you don't have any idea how GREAT your bike can handle with the proper settings.
I said I would try it. I tend to think handling would suffer.
I can live with tall bikes. I am an A class enduro rider. I just wish this one had the same height as as my other bikes.
125's might not be quite as tall BTW. We're talking here maybe an inch too tall at the very most. Especially in the rear .