I have not yet experienced any overheating issues despite running the bike very hot in Cebu Philippines with ambient air temps around 30c and having observed when stuck in traffic that the air temp sensor (no spoofer fitted) normally reads anything up to 44c and has been as high as 48c, also I can feel the bike is running extremely hot as the air from the fan burns my left leg through my trousers.
My Temp gauge normally reads between 1/2 and 2/3 and if it goes up one more notch the fan kicks in and it usually drops back to normal unless I am stationary or moving slowly in traffic then the fan stays on but the gauge doesn't go up any further - so all appears to be well.
One point is that if I run the bike stationary the fan kicks in and it wont stop, eventually the bike does get hot enough for the temp gauge to go to max and the warning light come on, but it takes around 15 minutes or more to do this.
One thing I have noticed is that my Expansion Tank appears to be about 1/3rd full when the bike is hot and running, but when the bike is cold the tank is empty. This indicates to me that things are pretty good, ie the coolant in the system is expanding into the tank and then returning back down through the radiator cap when it can do.
I still think the bike could run even cooler and so I performed the Cannisterectomy to increase air flow through the radiator.
Note: I just removed the cannister and its bracket and hoses, but I left the Purge Valve in place and wired up. I cannot see any reason to remove it as it is not in the way. Only if I was going to eliminate all hoses and could easily plug the throttle body connection, but access isn't so simple.
Re The Fuel Tank Vent Hose - I pulled mine out then dropped it in behind the throttle body, on the right side away from the actuator and then down behind the wires and the front sprocket cover. The original hose is just long enough to fit behind the cover so there is no danger of gasoline spillage over any other components in that area.
I took note of Danketchpels post about fitting a second fan and plan to do so as soon as I can source a suitable one locally, probably from a smaller water cooled bike or scooter.
Whilst the plastics were off and the dreaded radiator cap was more easily accessible I took the opportunity to check the water system and generally see what is going on.
I found the following -
Cold Bike leaning on side stand - Expansion Tank almost Empty and Radiator appears to be about 2/3rds full. Putting the bike upright and then over to the right causes the Expansion Tank to empty completely.
With bike in same position leaning on side stand with Expansion Tank Empty - Running the engine stationary with the Radiator Cap off, starting from cold caused almost immediate overflow of about 200cc of coolant from the open radiator, which I caught in a strategically placed jug.
Watching as the bike heated up it appeared that the Thermostat opening was simultaneous with the spillage stopping, pretty much as I would expect.
Soon afterwards the temp gauge rose quickly and the fan cut in, almost the same time very hot water was bubbling and spitting out of the open radiator cap. I let it run with lots of air and very hot bubbles spitting out with about 100cc more coolant lost to the jug.
When the air stopped coming out I could see the coolant coming out of the hose and obviously running through the radiator, also the fan stayed on but the engine didn't start to overheat as quickly as I would have expected it to with no radiator cap.
With the coolant flow more settled I started to pour the collected liquid back into the radiator and it took back about half, say about 150cc.
As soon as I stopped the engine the coolant level in the radiator dropped dramatically and I poured the other 150cc of 'saved' coolant back in, but the level was still low so I added about 200cc more coolant (fresh water) until the radiator was completely full with the engine stopped, but still hot.
Then I replaced the radiator cap and let the bike cool down for about 30 minutes.
Finally with the bike still in exactly the same position I ran the engine and watched carefully.
The temp gauge rose and the fan cut in as normal, however after about a minute the gauge dropped and the fan went off. This has never happened before when running the bike on its side stand. I let it run and cycle the fan on and off three times and also observed the Expansion Tank, the level rose but only a very small amount and nothing much happened.
I let the bike cool down and the Expansion Tank level once again dropped to empty.
Reading the instructions in the Workshop manual I understand that my present Coolant level may be lower than recommended, however it would appear that I may have got something right.
My Cooling System, ie Radiator and associated hoses, water pump and engine galleys etc appears to be full of coolant whether the engine is hot or cold.
I am not running any fancy coolants other than the manufacturers original 'pink' stuff, now diluted with a bit of fresh water.
My Expansion Tank and original Radiator Cap appear to be doing as they should, ie allowing pressure to build and coolant to expand into the tank when the engine is hot and also allowing it to recover back to the radiator as the engine cools.
My fan is cutting in and doing its job properly now as when it runs, the water temperature drops and the fans cycles on and off.
This is all as I think it should be, ie Coolant system full of coolant and circulating, fan cooling but not running continuously and expansion system holding and recovering.
However, according to the Manual, my levels are not correct - so I may add a small amount of water to the expansion tank when the engine is as hot as I can get it, but I don't want it to ever get so full as to overflow or spray me in the face.
Question is: Have I got it right, or am I just lucky my original Radiator, Thermostat, Fan, Radiator cap and coolant appear to be all ok. Maybe only time and a good long run in a lot of traffic will tell, but I hope so. Maybe I won't need the second fan after all
Cheers, MH