The helmet mounts work well because the brain likes to protect itself and has a built in active suspension to keep the head motion smooth.
Here's an old one on my Gasser, Chest Mount. A lot smoother if you stand up. I found with the handle bar mount every time you move your bars the camera is panning. Even on you helmet if you're not conscious you're filming, you end up panning to much. Makes it harder to watch with too much camera movement. View:
I was standing up The camera was not really 'mounted' to my chest, it was dangling upside down and flopped at every tiny bump... (I only posted the video cause pvduke put me under so much peer pressure to do so )
I have all these ideas about filming (at work when I'm suppose to be working) but come the weekend I usually forget my cameras and just ride.
It is a lot better if you like to see where you have been rather than where you are going! Enjoy that new toy.
Ya I like having the camera facing backwards. I have a hard mount for my Go Pro on the back fender and it has the ripple effect you have on your too. I'm sure it's from the vibration of the fender. Man these videos are old I really need to make some new ones. View:
Someone posted using a camera on a pole and did some slow-mo shots going through water (wish I could remember where). I really like that idea.