Nice radiator and I have my sensor mounted about the same place on my bike ... The device shows my water temp at ~251F degrees when the water boils over ... Does your bike boil at about the same shown temp? What about your running temp just cruising around on roads or trails?
I was going to but when i called one of the techs said "sure it can handle it" then i discovered that user input screen and followed up on what I was seeing on it. Sincei already have blindlyt told others "sure its fine" too-lol
Ray I'll give you a little better report after this weekend. The club I belong to is hosting an enduro this weekend so I should be able to get a better idea of where my bike normally runs as far as the temperature goes. I know I shouldn't say it but my bike has never boiled over, I came close in Virginia before when climbing babyhead and loose rocks uphill for a couple hundred yards for lack of traction. The fan usually comes on at about 215-220F.
Ray my running temp seems to stay below 200 for the most when running down the road or 2 track with moderate elevation changes, of course all of this has to do with ambient temperature. I ran over to a friends house yesterday all blacktop roads until I got to farm where he lives a little trip through the woods and creek up a few field hills and over to the house avg. temp 186 degrees, high 213 and I think the high was when I shut it off.
Thanks .. That sounds about like mine, maybe a little lower ... I guess my bike is OK ..I was thinking maybe my radiators or something was causing heat build up at all times when riding...