Ya, it does look great. When you walk in the shop and see the bike, your eyes just sorta get drawn to it.....just like when your wife comes out of the bathroom in those cute little underwear.. It's subtle and sexy!
...and it just happens to be the exact shade of red ano that Motosportz uses... huh, didn't realize it was so dark. here it is again but brightened up a bit...
Looks awesome with the skid plate. Sorry about the shipping charge, anything under a pound and UPS hits ZipTy for a full pound.
Installed my ZipTy oil cap and it's just beautiful! No more cross threading problems either. I would remove the magnet if possible and wonder if it is installed with epoxy. A little heat to break it loose? What do you think Tinken?
It's pressed in, no epoxy (I asked). If the magnet isn't bothering anything, I'd leave it. I didn't think about it before, but you don't have to worry about anyone vandalizing with that, no one carries an allen wrench around (except for an angry valentine that didn't get flowers).
Not bothering anything but it requires just a little wrestling to get it started. I'll leave it and see if it picks up anything along the way.
Oil plug looks slick....and I'd like to see pictures of the red skid plate installed (in another thread) to see how much red shows. Nice piece, could look a little bling-ey
My stock replacement oil filler cap came in at Donnells. List price- a whole $2.50 , 2.18 with my discount. Hope this indicative of parts prices on the rest of the bike.
Just don't forget about the mouth position you used that did the trick. These things are important...
Could something similar this... ...be used to replace the oil tank drain coupler that dumps oil all over the bike? What size do you think those oil lines on our bikes are, about 1/4" or so?
I haven't done my first oil change yet, but what is this coupler that you guys speak of? Photos? It might help round out the thread for the n00b's.
Thanks HD. I subscribed to that thread...about a week after that was posted. I feel smart now. Pardon the interruption.
A plastic pop bottle with a big hole cut in the side works well to catch that oil. If you leave the entire bottom of the bottle intact, it can be hooked under the oil line for hands free operation. If that's too much of a cave man approach, I'm certain other more complicated remedies tha actually cost money are available.
Does anyone find that if you check the oil level after a good ride it is significantly higher (cos the oil is hotter) than when it is checked using the method stated in the manual? Could this affect transfer from the crankcase to the tank?
This thread is aptly named haha... Ok team please check this out and tell me what you think.... I just did my first at home oil change on this bike. Everything went normal as far as I can tell. I heated engine up good and hot(3 mins running time past fan kick in per the manuals instructions). I drained coupler first, then oil pan, then removed filter. I tilted the bike around while said drains where open to make sure I got as much of the old oil out as possible. I then replaced filter/cover, the coupler bolt(with a new crush washer and Yamabond) and the oil pan bolt (with old crush washer and Yamabond). Then I proceeded to fill the bike up with oil via the oil cap with the dipstick on the frame near the headset. Filled up 1.5 liters, replaced cap and ran for a minute to fill the filter and system. Then I checked oil level(via manuals instructions of unscrewing cap, wiping dipstick clean and placing cap back in but not threading it). No oil on dipstick. Ok, I think, that is normal because I know the capacity is 2 liters(per manual and per my dealer who specifically told me warm engine+filter change=2 liter capacity) and I have only filled her up 3/4 of the way. So I then put the remaining .5 liters of oil into the bike, making sure to get every last little bit out of both bottles of oil. Then I run the bike for a minute and recheck the oil level with the bike on the side stand as well as balanced straight up and down. Oddly enough I get NOTHING on the dipstick again.....hmmmmm interesting I say. So I figure I should follow the check oil instructions to the T and see what I get. I then proceed to warm up the bike fully, letting it run a full 3 minutes past fan kick in and then I check the oil level again while it is fully up right on my lift. All I get is the very slightest dab of oil covering the MIN letters at the bottom of the dip stick. On my last tank of oil, which was one by the shop during the 600mile inspection, I would periodically check the level, both while the bike was upright on the stand and while the bike was on the side stand and every time the level was up at the MAX. I am going to let the bike fully cool down and recheck it late tonight and see what I get. In the mean time lets hear what levels where you guys getting with 2 liters put in the bike with a filter/oil change, how much oil you guys have been using and please tear into me to help me figure out what I did wrong TL;DR: Stupid dipstick system making me feel like a dipshit.....2liters only fills me up to MIN level...how much oil do YOU use?
I think I last put in 2L + 50 ml. I put in 2L then just added small amounts until I was satisfied. I checked my levels after my 10k km service & the dealer had probably only put 2L in, as it was just at the base of the dipstick. I think it is around 2L without filter change and (up to) 2.1L with a filter change. I definitely needed more oil with a filter change as opposed to a straight oil change. I check the levels with the bike vertical - not on its sidestand. I also think its best to add less oil than you think you will need, then top up slowly using the dipstick as a guide rather than putting the full amount in.
I think the way the oil tanks on these bikes work, if you run the bike for half an hour, and the stop the bike and measure the oil level, and then start the bike again, run it for a minute or two, and then kill the engine and measure it again, you will get a much lower oil level the second time than you did the first time around. I suggest if you have added the correct amount of oil, let the engine run for longer than just a few minutes and then measure it and it will reach the max level. I believe the oil is required to get quite hot and expand to it's maximum potential to reach the max level.