That is true! All new bikes are expensive, but if you can clear that hurdle, all the euro bikes look like supermodels and run and handle great.
Thought you wanted the Sherco 300 4st ? On a side note It looks like loyal here in Boise is starting to carry Betas. He has 2 strokes in stock
I've been saving my pennies for a while now and planned on getting a new toy this year. At first I was looking at a Beta (still am) but now I'm reading a lot about the Sherco's. I just read that Sherco's have a 34.25" seat height compared to Beta 36.6" and Husky and KTM (don't ask). I gotta see it to believe it. SE-R.pdf SEF-R.pdf
The Sherco 250 2 stroke is a great bike. The e-start worked perfectly. Just tap the button and the bike starts. Period. The fit and finish is on par with anything. The map switch makes a big difference. I rode it on the soft setting in the woods and flicked it to "hot" out in the fields. When on HOT it will give a YZ250 fits. Its fast. The chassis and handling are great. The suspension seemed a bit on the stiff side for me but then again, I just finished riding a 2.5hr XC race on a KTM 450XCW with marshmallow suspension, so perhaps the softness of the 450 has me a bit mixed up. All and all the bike is excellent. It is as good as any 250 2T on the market today in KTM, Beta, Berg etc...
Heck he rode a BMW he'll ride anything These smaller manufactures like Beta, Sherco, Fantic and TM seem to be landing some nice talent and pushing their brand hard.
Hurry up I'm ready to pull the trigger on a new Sherco 300i or the new 250 2-stroke Sherco . Look forward to your report .
Have seen some new Shercos lately in the Swedish Enduro Championship.. must say, the new bike look Really nice! but then again.. so does the TM, Beta and Fantic