Stonyford Husky Ride Photos

Discussion in 'Get togethers - Reports' started by WoodsChick, May 16, 2011.

  1. WoodsChick Administrator

    Oakland, CA Miramonte, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    3 Terras, 2 `07 SM610s, `09 WB165,
    Other Motorcycles:
    KTM, GasGas, Suzuki, Honda
    So after CJ got a splash of gas at Little Stony we made a bee-line for camp. I didn't take too many photos of this part of the ride as we were on a mission. I did, however, stop long enough to ask Eric and CJ which way they wanted to go when we got down to the intersection at the Mill Creek crossing. CJ never hesitated and raced towards the creek. A few seconds later he was in the water! I've never seen anyone hoist up a 4-stroke out of the water so quickly! Seriously, I had no time to get my camera out! He'd hit a big submerged boulder and down he went.
    Eric waded in to help and he managed to get the 450 started within a few minutes. He took it for a quick ride, as he'd been wanting to check one out for awhile.




    We made it back without any further drama and my ICO said exactly 60 miles when we pulled into the Husky Compound [IMG]

    Glen relaxing on the Pleasure-Palace Patio...

    The Flying Trash Can! I call him Brian, though...

    No, ain't gonna fit in your tent!

    Eric preparing the evening conflagration...

    And he did a fine job, as these fellows would probably agree...

    Eric and Dean planning out the next day's ride...

    Glen grilled up some antelope steaks he brought home from a hunting trip in Wyoming and they were super-tasty! I'd have eaten more of it if I hadn't been wrassling with a rib-eye steak sandwich of my own. Why does food always taste better outside? Anyway, we talked long into the night and hit the sack around midnight.

    The next morning found us all lazily sitting around and talking while Brian fed us killer breakfast burritos with Italian sausages in them. That guy can cook like nobody's business! I invited myself to his house for some Mojave Desert riding and home-made pizza action [IMG] He actually said I could come, too!

    CJ decided to pack it in and head back home for some sailing, but first he had a little project. Did I mention CJ is a BARF'er, too? [IMG]I know him from our local Bay Area Riders Forum...

    Dean and Brian made plans to circumnavigate the Snow Mountain Wilderness while Eric and I decided to take a little ride of our own. We only took a few photos...

    Can you spot the monument to the fallen Husky rider?
    (dang...I look really short!!)


    More to come...
  2. mnb Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    San Jose, California
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2011 TE310 . . . . 2003 TE610e
    Woodsy.... How DO you get on that thing? The seat is belly button level for you!
  3. WoodsChick Administrator

    Oakland, CA Miramonte, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    3 Terras, 2 `07 SM610s, `09 WB165,
    Other Motorcycles:
    KTM, GasGas, Suzuki, Honda
    After 40 miles of singletrack we came back to this sexiness in our camp!

    Wow-wee! 2 new Husky TE630s belonging to XLenduroMan and HairlessKitty [IMG] I'm almost expecting to see them in my camp now every time I return from a ride [IMG]

    The Kitty was absolutely beaming! You know, that glow we all get from getting a sexy new bike! Can't say I blame her, can you?

    The older and younger siblings side by side...

    It was a complete and total Husky-rama!

    They may look like identical twins but, much like my husband and his identical twin brother, I find it easy to tell them apart. The one in front (ooh...there's a clue [IMG])
    is obviously the Kitty's because it doesn't have buddy pegs, grabrails, reflectors on the back nor the fancy Up-tite oil filler cap...yet!

    Once again, they showed up too late and left way too soon[IMG] You guys are going to have to carve out some time to hang out one of these days!
    What little time we've spent with you has been really enjoyable[IMG]
    (What I wouldn't give to fit on my bike...any bike! she does)

    There she goes!

    After they left we hung out and shot the breeze around the campfire. Eric took Brian's TE610 for a test ride...and I knew what the outcome would be [IMG]
    Eric totally dug it...way more than the stock `08 TE610 he rode before...and now he says that the 610 is definitely the next bike he's going to get. Not only that,
    but I will be ordering one of those G2 throttle thingies for my 610 sometime this week...whee! Why do test rides always end up costing so much money? CJ was smart to turn down test rides on the 2-strokes, since he's been wanting one but doesn't want to spend his money right now. He's smarter than we are!

    We closed out the night around the campfire...almost the best part of any ride/camp trip, especially with this high-quality company...and made preparations for the coming rain before turning in for the night. Brian had been enjoying the moon and stars on previous nights but wasn't quite as jazzed about rain clouds and precipitation so we cleared a spot on the porch under our awning for him and his fluffy down blankie. I was hoping he would be warm and comfy there. G'night!
    Coffee likes this.
  4. WoodsChick Administrator

    Oakland, CA Miramonte, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    3 Terras, 2 `07 SM610s, `09 WB165,
    Other Motorcycles:
    KTM, GasGas, Suzuki, Honda
    Very carefully [IMG]

    I usually roll it over to the picnic table bench, or put my foot on the stand, or a rock...or even just a high spot on the trail. If I stop on the right side of the trail and the high side is to my right, I just get off and kick start it with my left foot and then climb back on. If I stop on the left I'm ready to kick it and go. You just automatically start looking for these things when you ride a dirtbike that is way too tall for you. You'll learn, Grasshopper [IMG]
  5. mnb Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    San Jose, California
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2011 TE310 . . . . 2003 TE610e
    Oh, I've been looking for those things for some time, long before I got the 310. I was just wondering if you practiced some secret yoga or ninja jumping techniques...
  6. little_twin Husqvarna
    A Class

    It was awesome meeting everyone that stuck around until Sunday. Those that didn't go missed out. I ma pretty sure we rode all 4 seasons in one day, it was crazy. I am definitely looking forward to the next get together, and riding with you all again.
  7. WoodsChick Administrator

    Oakland, CA Miramonte, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    3 Terras, 2 `07 SM610s, `09 WB165,
    Other Motorcycles:
    KTM, GasGas, Suzuki, Honda
    Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag now...I am the secret yoga ninja jumper!

    [IMG] Nah, I just have this aversion to falling down and having to pick the bike up so I do everything in my power to minimize it at all times. No way I could have learned to ride in the dirt on a bike that tall, though. I'm glad I started out on a CR80.
  8. WoodsChick Administrator

    Oakland, CA Miramonte, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    3 Terras, 2 `07 SM610s, `09 WB165,
    Other Motorcycles:
    KTM, GasGas, Suzuki, Honda
    Hey, Nick! We had a great time riding with you and your way-cool dad! You're both so lucky to be enjoying each others company while riding [IMG]
    We should do some riding again soon! I'll get to the Sunday portion of this report tomorrow after work [IMG]
  9. Xcuvator Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Scholls Oregon
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    TE450,610 WB165,WR250 WR360 & XC430
    Other Motorcycles:
    Really nice, wish I could have made it. Good pics as usual.
    I have actually been trying to avoid the forum here, because I've been busy with work and don't want to think about how much I want to go riding..
    But I'm getting caught up so I hope to see you, Eric and the CH folks sometime this riding season.
    When's the next one?
    WoodsChick likes this.
  10. ghte Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Bright, Victoria Australia
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2 x 310's, 2016 Beta 480, SWM RS650
    Other Motorcycles:
    2016 Multi ,Griso1100, Monster695
    I am amazed that there is still snow around
  11. WoodsChick Administrator

    Oakland, CA Miramonte, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    3 Terras, 2 `07 SM610s, `09 WB165,
    Other Motorcycles:
    KTM, GasGas, Suzuki, Honda
    Oh, there's even more of it now...[IMG]
  12. Dirtdame Administrator

    Rock Springs Wy
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    11 WR300,13 WR125,18 FE501
    Other Motorcycles:
    17 Beta Xtrainer
    Nice pics and report, although missing something.....[IMG]
  13. Motosportz CH Sponsor

    Vancouver WA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2021 TE250i, 570 Berg, 500 KTM, 790R
    Other Motorcycles:
    Good stuff. i think thats the same spot I staged out of the only time I ever rode there.
  14. Coffee CH Owner

    Between homes - in ft Wayne IN
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2006 TE250, 2013 TR650 Terra - sold
    Some of the area is impassible... FTC & I did some single track around some of that, and the trail conditions were like extremely sticky glue. [IMG]
  15. WoodsChick Administrator

    Oakland, CA Miramonte, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    3 Terras, 2 `07 SM610s, `09 WB165,
    Other Motorcycles:
    KTM, GasGas, Suzuki, Honda
    Yeah, it's missing something, alright...YOU!
    Coffee and Dirtdame like this.
  16. WoodsChick Administrator

    Oakland, CA Miramonte, CA
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    3 Terras, 2 `07 SM610s, `09 WB165,
    Other Motorcycles:
    KTM, GasGas, Suzuki, Honda
    Saturday night was a bit of an adventure. We were expecting rain and we were not denied. It wasn't pouring or anything, but at one point it was coming down sideways. I looked out my window and saw FTC's sleeping pad and tarp on the carpet beneath our awning but no FTC and no fluffy down blankie. When Eric and I went for a walk we saw him sleeping in his truck [IMG]
    The dirt looked just right, not muddy at all but not dusty anymore, either. We did notice some new snow on the mountain behind camp...

    Everything was fresh and clean and it all smelled so wonderful. We had a great walk...

    Looking back towards camp...

    That's us on the far right...

    This guy was making a ton of noise right behind our van all weekend...

    We weren't in a hurry to get anything done so we sat around and talked and pondered the merits of riding and tried to talk FTC into riding with me. Just about then a truck pulls up with a shiny new TE449 and an `03 KTM 450 EXC just like mine. It was little_twin (Nick) and a guy named Jack! I found out half-way through the ride that Jack was little_twin's dad! How cool is that?? FTC decided to not ride, as he'd logged quite a few miles riding with Dean already, so we got suited up, said our good-byes and headed out with Nick and Jack.

    I knew it was going to be a stellar day as soon as we left camp. There was no dust to be seen! We decided to head up to the top of the ridge and ride on over to the singletrack trails we call "the `teens." These are the trails that we've been unable to ride due to too much snow. We saw a few snow flurries at the top of the ridge but no big deal. Conditions were perfect and I'm pretty sure we were all having a good time. There was a light dusting of snow everywhere and everthing was just sparking!

    Jack was a good sport with me kidding him about being the red-headed stepchild on the KTM [IMG]


    We rode through some sun, we rode through some hellacious ice pellets, we rode through some snow...and then we rode through some howling blizzardy snow...

    We kept going because conditions were still really good, but it was getting kind of ridiculous...

    Check out how the snow was sticking to the tree trunks...neat-o!

    We were dressed for the conditions and we were comfortable and dry, but the snow was piling up pretty quickly so we decided to get out while the getting was good.
    Flying Trash Can likes this.
  17. little_twin Husqvarna
    A Class

    Those last 2 shots are amazing......who says we don't get winter in California! We just get it in May.
    WoodsChick likes this.
  18. Coffee CH Owner

    Between homes - in ft Wayne IN
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
    2006 TE250, 2013 TR650 Terra - sold
    Could those last 2 shot be Mill Valley campground? I was curious what the weather was that day.
  19. SFTE450 Husqvarna
    AA Class

    San Francisco
    So when do we do it again? I'll be in Stoyford the weekend of 6/11! [IMG]
  20. Bob Greene Husqvarna
    A Class

    Glad you all had fun, if I had the whole weekend to play I would have come over. I rode Sunday on the MC side. Our plan was to ride over Goat mtn into Stony and maybe run acrost you guy's but when we got to Lower deer valley rd it was already snowing so we decided to stay on the MC side. We had a awesome ride though, sideways snow at times but nothing real deep, it was actually a lot of fun.
    I think Cow mtn is on the menu this Sunday before it get's to dryed out. I'll keep a eye out for your rides and hopfully show up on a few.
