Neither link works for me? Not that important, was just curious if there were actually plans to import to the US.
I look forward to SWM getting going and doing business... and that they will start off with the Italian Husky designs and going from there gives me that warm, fuzzy familiar feeling. If they can manage to stay in business, I can see 5 years from now the brand morphing into something of it's own making. No problem with me. For all the grief and issues that existed with the Italian Husky factory, bikes, people, etc... at least it was a distinct brand with their own flavor of doing things. I love the fact that I can work on my CR125 with nothing more than a butter knife and paperclip. SWM doesn't have to make the best bikes out there (though that would be nice), they just have to make bikes that appeal to the enthusiasm and passion of the people who choose to buy them. That is something I just haven't been able to do looking at the white Husky's. My brain says those KTM derivatives are good bikes, but my heart doesn't find anything to skip a beat over. As such, I have set aside the guest room in my home for Erik Italhusky to start the US distributorship. Rent is free, food is included (ramen noodles and iced tea), and all that for a 10% discount on my first SWM purchase. In my expert opinion, that is an awesome way to run a business!
Heard this morning that Europe, China and Oceania will receive SWM's at the end of July and North and South America from 2016.
This is probably the best job offer I ever received in my life. :P Time to fill in some immigration papers haha! Erik
I am surprised they didn't give the SWM logo a bit of a refreshing. I understand the desire to keep a link to the brand's past, but the visual language of the bikes and the logo are from totally different universes. IMHO. Just sayin.
Believe me, you get used to it. :P And I prefer this: Over this: Bit of Husky red. Erik
Odd that they call it the "Bialbero"? That was the internal family name of the older twin cam engine. "Piccolo" was the internal name for X Lite engines.
In Italian, "bialbero"="double camshaft" and "piccolo"="small". BTW, there is something I have to confess... I haven't understood yet which engines are "X Lite"...
It looks like SWM is going to have the best off road bikes on the planet. The bullet proof big bores, A 340cc x-lite, the secret Husqvarna 2t. I think SWM is going to hit the nail on the head and surprise us all, especially the Austrians.