I'd find it very hard to believe that the entire team didn't know about it. It's a small team and 3 of them are family. There's other reports of jeff playing around with it in the team pit area shining it on the JGR team semi.
I'm heard it straight from dave,,he did whole investigation,,people were saying it was jeff's fault who were right there and watched him,,,you don't think a dude like him stands out,,dave said people were watching him do this,,dave said after the moto he got complaint's from Ryan's team manager and from Malcomes team manager,,dave went over to the hill near the start and talk'd with people and confronted jeff ,,he denied it,,,jeff even went so far as to blame his ex girlfriend for doing it after he knew he was busted,,,the fan's wont lie,,when they seen it first hand,,,I asked dave how come this never came to blows,,he said jeff knew he was busted... Dave was in a situation as he said,,Was bad,, really bad,, jeff was not admitting fault,,jeff went so far as to theatin mike and his dad,,dave said when they got to the airport and all this BS was still going on,,he knew he made the right decision...Mike is cool with the outcome he understands,, per daves words,,, he knows (mike) family ties are done... I'm just telling you all from daves situation and what he went through to try and resolve this mess...