1. 2 Stroke Husqvarna Motorcycles Made In Italy - About 1989 to 2014
    WR = 2st Enduro & CR = 2st Cross

All 2st Which bike should I buy?

Discussion in '2 Stroke' started by marc p., Mar 31, 2011.

  1. marc p. Husqvarna
    B Class

    Just talked to Bill, he's coming up with the total and will call back. His cr's have the wr frames. Any pros or cons?
  2. marc p. Husqvarna
    B Class

    Hi Camstyn, thanks for the info. Bill sounds like he wants to get rid of the '09's first. Said some of the riders think the zooks are better. He mentioned that the shock resevior(sp) is turned sideways on his '09's. Still waiting on his call.
  3. marc p. Husqvarna
    B Class

    Actually the '09 Bill has got the pipe interference.
  4. krieg Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Matthews, NC
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    I also forgot to mention that the '09 motor mounts were recalled. Make sure his has the newer mounts which do NOT look like these:


    Here's a shot of our '09 with the pipe rub:

  5. krieg Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Matthews, NC
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    Actually, come to think of it... if it were me, I'd pay the extra for the '10.
  6. marc p. Husqvarna
    B Class

    I know how you feel. Time to flip a coin. Bill said he swapped to wr frames because of the frame liability.
  7. marc p. Husqvarna
    B Class

    Ordered the '09 from Bills, should be here on the 11th by the latest. Bill said if i'm not racing it, go with the '09. Coin flip confirmed it, two out of three times. I was cheating trying to go for the '10. This should be fun, hope the jetting and power valve setup go smooth. Bill said the suspension should be fine for my weight. Not sure how good of a setup gets done on these, I will check to make sure enough grease is on all the bearings and check all torques. Maybe put some loctite on the sprocket bolts.
  8. marc p. Husqvarna
    B Class

    Almost forgot, thanks to all for your time and expertise.
  9. krieg Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Matthews, NC
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
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    No prob. Here's what I did to help with the pipe rub. There's enough rotational "slop" in the shock to get about 1/8 to 1/4 inch more clearance if you use a tie wrap around the shock and frame. As an added precaution, I wrapped several layers of electrical tape around the bottom of the reservoir to act as a sacrificial layer. After doing these two things, the shock and pipe never met "metal to metal" again.


  10. krieg Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Matthews, NC
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
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    Oh, and don't forget to ask Bill about the motor mounts... if the old style are still there, they'll last about a week before breaking.
  11. marc p. Husqvarna
    B Class

    I thought swapping to the wr frames were supposed to remedy all the problems? (edit) Called Bill, he said mine will have updated engine mounts.(edit) Hey Krieg is that the headstay? Also thanks for the tip on the shock.
  12. krieg Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Matthews, NC
    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
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    '12 Triumph Scrambler
    Yep, it's the headstays I'm talking about.
  13. john01 Husqvarna
    Pro Class

    Powhatan VA
    Congrats Marc on the 09! You really couldn't have went wrong with any of the Husky's; ENJOY.
  14. marc p. Husqvarna
    B Class

    Thanks john01, I was over here flipping coins, not normally my style, I have to think over my decisions. Bill talked me into the '09. I hope you get what you pay for does'nt ring true this time.
    Hey krieg, I not sure if the headstay is the new type. Will have to contact Bill.
  15. letitsnow Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
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    Frame liability??? What's up with that?
  16. LawnDartMike Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Salem, OR USA
    I believe Bill has replaced the pipe with the updated one - at least he had on the '09 WR125 I bought from him. I also believe the updated pipe may have cured the rubbing issue - it isn't even close on mine. I think there is some frame bracing that was also done on the '10. Ask Bill about the frame - it may be a '10 already since they had to cut the heads off all the '09 CR125 frames and send it to Husky.
  17. marc p. Husqvarna
    B Class

    I'll try to explain it better. Bill(of BillsHusky) had '09 cr's in stock when reports of frame breakage occured. The factory wanted all the '09's shipped back but then decided that would cost too much and decided to make parts bikes out of them. I assume destroying the bad frames in the process. Then Bill figured that the costs of wr frames were economical enough to reframe the cr's. From what I remember speaking to him while there was a bunch of racket going on in the house. I still don't know what is different about wr frames, other than a kickstand mount. Anyone know?
  18. NWRider Husqvarna
    AA Class

    The pipe rub is not big deal. I would like the newer shock just because I think it would allow the main jet to be changed without removing the carb. Anyway, here is my high tech fix

    Attached Files:

  19. letitsnow Husqvarna
    AA Class

    Husqvarna Motorcycle:
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    OK, thanks for explaining.
  20. marc p. Husqvarna
    B Class

    Hi LawnDartMike, Bill said he mods the stinger for clearance, also tossing in another '09 chamber in the crate. I'll have to ask more about the frame. Can't wait for my crw125. It will be a collectors item I'm sure. sarc.