Pro Class
Have you ever thought about becoming a salesman....lol...a very good sales pitch that and i will hold you to your 450 claim not unless you want to back down?.......and the videos are where?
A bit more info/advice needed:
Im looking for a 2010 petrol tank do the 4bangErs fit i think they are 9.5 ltrs this should
be able to stretch to 2hrs, or what are you guys racing with?
As far as the sales man thing That is what I do for a living I own a wrecking yard and a used car lot
As far as the 450 thing watch the video passed a few 450 and even 300 2 strokes at speed
As far as info i installed the kit turned the air screw out to 1.5 turned and have never touched it since from below sea level to over 8,000 feet
Walt rode my bike in Idaho at the National said it ran fine
The videos are posted under the cafehusky sight under racing or you can goggle them under
ajaxauto husky 165