AA Class
I finally picked up my Terra on Saturday April 27!!! I put a deposit down back in January without even seeing one in person. The road trip was about 7 hours one way, a friend and I checked out the bars in the big city and had alot of fun Friday night. Saturday morning up early with a big head and drove about a half hour to get the bike. The bike is a work of art, not one mile on it and the dealer had everything ready to load into the back of my truck. I got it registered monday and took it for a short rip around the neighborhood, only about 10km, I noticed how light it feels and pulls like a tractor down low. What I thought was the gear indicator turned out to be the one point I though @#$% I'm not in fifth Haha. I was going to drive it to work today, but we got 4 or 5 inches of snow overnight...sad. The forcast calls for 70 F weather over the weekend so I am looking forward to a great get to know ya ride this weekend!!