I had a few technical glitches with my gear this trip! We had a quick bite at Rancho Santa Veronica.
I was mistaken thinking it would ALL be on dirt. we did connect the dots with some pavement runs.
Anyway the ride turned rough when we hit the goat trail.
These are the
easy parts because I just could not stop for pics in the hard bits.
Got my first taste of night riding ever, IT was BITTER cold, and my heated gear controller crapped out on me. I have mixed feelings about heated gear. It sure is nice, but it's one more thing to fail. Fleece don't break.
If I was alone I would have taken the fairing apart and wired up the jaket direct. But we were on a schedule so I froze with the others.
our only stops were for others to catch up...
On the dry lake we had the first wipeout as John hit a rut and had a bit of a wipeout. He might have fractured a thumb but he pushed on.
Then we crossed a dry lake and a lot of deep sand, at night. Many complained but I have to say the Lynx HID was fantasic and I really enjoyed my first night run, even though it was COLD!!
We got to San Felipe and I broke out the beers I'd been carrying with me all day. These FF's never stopped to take a beer break all day so I decided I didn;t need to carry that much weight no more!
We hit the restaurant and had a proper dinner:
We locked up the bikes in the courtyard and hit the hay
Septic Skeptic got odd man out and vollunteered to sleep on the floor. Fortunately I'd brought some camping gear so he had to go to work.