Pro Class
I just searched here for powervalve or power valve. Here's what I snipped from the info:
Set the power valve linkage as advised by WB in one of the tacked threads, 3/4
from the top (best for woods riding).
You have the 7 transfer port cylinder with the older big power valves (??).
Adjust the arm so there is ~.040" of deflection in the upper spring keeping the
valves closed. Probably about 1/3 of the way up the slot. No need to adjust
further and if you do you will compromise top end with the bigger power
valves(the bottom doesn't clear the exhaust port completely).
I expected to keep adjusting to get it just right, but runs great
Set the power valve linkage as advised by WB in one of the tacked threads, 3/4
from the top (best for woods riding).
You have the 7 transfer port cylinder with the older big power valves (??).
Adjust the arm so there is ~.040" of deflection in the upper spring keeping the
valves closed. Probably about 1/3 of the way up the slot. No need to adjust
further and if you do you will compromise top end with the bigger power
valves(the bottom doesn't clear the exhaust port completely).
I expected to keep adjusting to get it just right, but runs great