AA Class
Have you run the bike again with the cap vent open? Did it make a difference?
The liner gets bored to the next oversize piston. Wossner make several oversizes larger than the original Mahle's and they are a lot less expensive.
Stay away from Wiseco. Supposedly the new pistons are better, but you don't know if your getting someones old stock and they were definately prone to siezing.
Wossners pistons are good, but I am setting my 77 250CR up a little loose at .003" piston clearance. Wossner says .002", otherwise it will take a lot of break in miles before you can really run it hard.
I just siezed mine on four corners with less than 2 hrs on it. It was to tight at .002" IMO. Although I admit, I was screaming it to death right before it siezed. 5 miles into the race, bikes and riders were scattered all over a hill and I just screamed mine to the top first try. But it cost me a new piston, a DNF and my $90 entry fee.
After you do the top-end do a leak down test, to make sure you don't have any air leaks.
You might wants to changes the crank seals anyway. They're cheap and easy to get to.
The liner gets bored to the next oversize piston. Wossner make several oversizes larger than the original Mahle's and they are a lot less expensive.
Stay away from Wiseco. Supposedly the new pistons are better, but you don't know if your getting someones old stock and they were definately prone to siezing.
Wossners pistons are good, but I am setting my 77 250CR up a little loose at .003" piston clearance. Wossner says .002", otherwise it will take a lot of break in miles before you can really run it hard.
I just siezed mine on four corners with less than 2 hrs on it. It was to tight at .002" IMO. Although I admit, I was screaming it to death right before it siezed. 5 miles into the race, bikes and riders were scattered all over a hill and I just screamed mine to the top first try. But it cost me a new piston, a DNF and my $90 entry fee.
After you do the top-end do a leak down test, to make sure you don't have any air leaks.
You might wants to changes the crank seals anyway. They're cheap and easy to get to.