AA Class
Johnny, that looks amazing fun.
2 questions, if I may?
How do you put the screws in the tyre and not get a puncture?
What happens when you come of and get run over by a tyre with screws hanging out of it?
Hello Rob! The screws we use are MF44 outlaw, specially made for iceracing. The screws in the rear tyre are 38mm long with a sharp cut head that is 9mm long, so you actually run on the screws head. To make everything hold together we cut a street tyre and use the center section only, and put that tyre inside the motocross tyre. After that we use an old hose and one thick heavy duty hose to avoid puncture. Then we pump up the tyre to 45 psi and screw in the 38mm studs right through from outside with a beefy electric screwdriver, so you draw the screws right through both tyres. That gives good stability=). That´s about it really. I have 450 screws in my rear tyre and 280 up front (25mm long). Asbolutely amazing and very controllable grip! I always race with my feet on the pegs all the time and i feel the ice with my toes in the corners. Very forgiving to ride on and the bike slides with both front and rear tyre in the corners. Highly recommended=)!
One guy got his arm between the rear tyre and the rear fender last winter and he almost bled to death. his arm was totally ripped. That tyre was made with wood screws drawn through the tire from inside out. Economy version, but not so reliable.